The talk.

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Another mundane day in the office, Goku had been assigned different tasks to prevent work becoming monotonous. Everyday ambience in the office were becoming more obnoxious, working on his assignment, became almost impossible to complete. The shrill sound from the keyboards and printers were almost unbearable. Things that never really bothered him were starting to cause him to feel irritate. He hadn't slept well since being told about the lewd offer, he was busy running scenarios through his head; each one triggering his anxieties. If this was how he felt about such offer, how does his room mate feel even if it's the norm, surely he'd feel those emotions? looking up at the clock just made him feel more uneasy, he had questions, feelings he had to get off his chest with Vegeta. Sitting in the office was just causing the feelings to drag more painfully. A light tap on his shoulder seemed to break his trance like state, the ambience changed to usual level that wasn't ear deafening. Chichi leaned on his desk with an annoyed expression on her face, Goku looked at her puzzled.

"So, I was waiting for that text you promised me!" she folded her arms tapping her foot, she felt so annoyed that she literally waited all night staring at her phone awaiting for a text.

Goku's eyes widened remembering he told her he'd text her "I'm sorry..." he was so preoccupied in his thoughts, he forgot to send her a text.

"Oh I bet you are" she leaned over so her face was in level to his, he could feel her warm breath touch his face. "I've saved you the hassle" she handed him a card with restaurant address and time. "I'll see you tomorrow night?!"

Goku gulped as he nodded hesitantly, last thing he wanted to do was to deal with her wraith; he seen the way she'd lose her temper on others. No way was he willing to put himself in that sort of predicament. She slowly brushed her hand over his desk smiling before she casually walked towards her desk.

"That bitch is insane!" Yamcha leaned over his chair, obvious he was listening in. Goku stared at the card, she had a table booked after work. She had it all planned out, it wasn't really good time not whilst he had to make his mind up about the offer.

Home time finally arrived from what felt like long tedious hours, not wanting to hang around any longer than he had to; he grabbed his coat and ran out. Chichi wasn't there, not wanting to stick around to wait for her either, he threw his coat on and continued to walk at a fast pace. Walking through the bleak weather left sharp nip feeling on his cheeks. He to tucked his face into his coat exhaling warm breath to keep himself warm. Seeing his apartment ahead he started to jog towards it so eager to get back after the day he had. As he headed towards the double doors to walk into the building, Vegeta had walked from the communal bin area. They both opened the door and proceeded to climb the stairs together.

"busy day cleaning or something?" Goku asked curiously as they climbed the stairs side by side.

"you could say that" he answered abruptly, hoping he wouldn't be asked any further questions. He knew Goku would feel unease if he mentioned what he done earlier. He had to purchase shower curtains for disposal, golden showers weren't something he'd usually be requested. On past experience he learned shower curtains were best to collect the fluid that he could just bag and throw out. "another boring day at work I take it?" he looked at the non expressive look on Goku's face.

"yeah, and I've now got a date tomorrow night with Chichi" he rolled his eyes as they climbed up the last flight of stairs before entering the corridor.

"oh, you don't sound too happy about it?" Vegeta raised his brow.

"I don't even like her" Goku sighed as he opened the door leading to the eerie corridor.

"Then don't go? simple." Vegeta shrugged at him

"Not simple at all, I don't want to hurt her feelings I wouldn't hear the end of it" Goku confessed as they walked down the corridor.

Vegeta shook his head chuckling "just go to the date, then lay it down to her gently. If she can't deal with that, then that is her prerogative." he shrugged as they stood outside their front door.

Unlocking the front door Vegeta opened the door allowing for Goku to walk in first. Goku started to unzip his coat, a warming heavenly scent filled his nostrils. He looked over seeing bowls of food sat on the breakfast bar. He looked at Vegeta astonished, not only had he cooked, he was actually going to eat a proper meal.

"Well, I worked out I had time for food before a client" Vegeta sat at the breakfast bar with Goku "If I didn't make you anything, you'd be a baby about it and have a tantrum" he smirked as he caught Goku raising his brow at him.

Not much was spoken between them as they tucked into their food, Goku would casually glance over at Vegeta before turning back to his food. He wasn't sure how he'd strike up the conversation about last night.

"I take it you've got something you want to ask?" Vegeta finished his bowl and placed it in the sink, he looked over at Goku's surprised expression "I've known you for years, you're so predictable. The way you were glancing at me, obviously you have something on your mind. So spill" he leaned against the counter looking over.

"I haven't made my mind up yet" Goku placed his now empty bowl in the sink before turning to face Vegeta. "I've never done something like this, I don't know what to expect."

"You're thinking too much into it, it's just sex" Vegeta shrugged at him, of course he felt a little uncomfortable too about it, but they have debt to pay and could really do with that money.

"with two other people, one being you...I'm just not sure how I feel about it" Goku grabbed a class from the kitchen cupboard and filled it with water from the tap.

"You'll be fine, I'm not going to judge you if that's what you are worried about?" He watched as Goku almost choked on his water.

"How can you be okay with this?" he placed his glass down on the side glaring over at Vegeta "you don't seem fazed at what we've been asked to do, I've also never done that stuff with men ..."

Vegeta sighed folding his arms "We need the money, the amount she's offering we'd be stupid to turn it down."

"I know, god do I know...I just...I don't know..." Goku leaned against the sink "I don't want things to be awkward between us"

"then don't let it, we don't even have to talk about it after wards" Vegeta quickly glanced at his watch before looking over at Goku.

Goku sighed as he saw Vegeta glancing at his watch "Just, let me sleep on it alright?" He walked over to his room.

"Try not to think too much on it" Vegeta watched as Goku walked into his room closing the door behind him.

Goku laid still on his bed losing track of time, he stared at the ceiling; he clicked his tongue thinking about the offer and how the money would help immensely. He heard some muffling voices coming from Vegeta's room, he looked over at his clock and was surprised to see he's been laying there for roughly forty minutes. He furrowed his brows trying to work out where on earth had that time gone, had he really just been laying there lost in thoughts for that long?

"fuck!" Vegeta gritted his teeth as he squeezed tightly onto his clients arms, the client eager to thrust in but Vegeta had him wait.

"whats going on?" the client grunted in annoyance.

"just give me a second..." he slowly inhaled and exhaled allowing his body to relax, he lightened his grip on the client. "this is precisely why I suggested foreplay first..fuck!" he gritted his teeth before giving the client a nod for the go ahead.

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