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Two days since New Years, and Goku had taken day off work to watch Adele. After finding out about her boyfriend and her being caught drinking by Vegeta. he was sure to keep close eye on her. He sat on the sofa watching as Adele and Vegeta both looked at their phones, Adele wrapping her hair around her fingers, whilst Vegeta had rested his leg on top of the other, his tongue poked out slightly in concentration. Goku shook his head laughing at them both, causing them both to give him the same shallow expression before looking back at their phones.He noticed Adele's face drop, staring at her phone she looked over at Goku.

"Urgh, he's almost here! Wish I could stay longer!" She pouted. Bardock had been sent to collect her ready for her to return to school.  He was told that her boyfriend had dumped her, they had promised Adele not to mention what happened as well as catching her with a drink. Goku felt slightly nervous seeing his dad again. Ever since his dad found out about him dating Vegeta; it was awkward between them his dad adamant that Goku is in denial.

Goku noticed Vegeta look at his watch, he sighed looking back at Adele. "You've got school. Besides, we got work."

"But Vegeta works at home?!" She pouted more as Vegeta glanced over before exchanging looks with Goku.

"Uh, well you" he broke into nervous laughter looking over at Vegeta to help.

Vegeta let out a sigh placing his phone down. "The work I do Adele, I cant be disturbed, I also wouldn't be able to keep an eye on you."

"Oh my god! I'm fifteen not fucking six!" She folded her arms her eye brows furrowed in disappointment.

"Have you forgotten when I had to save you from that boyfriend of yours? Or when I caught you drinking?" Vegeta  chided as he quirked his brow at her.

Adele looked over at Goku who gave her a half smile. Before huffing as she got up to collect her stuff. "Urgh! Adults!"

Vegeta watched as she walked off before glancing at his watch, he smiled at Goku before pulling him in for a kiss. "Best get myself ready." He noticed the forced smile on Goku's face, he leaned in pulling Goku in for a deepened kiss before breaking away and heading off for a shower.

Goku sighed, he was starting to hate the thought of sharing Vegeta. He understood it was just seen as work, but the thought of people sharing that intimacy caused him to feel bitter. He heard his father knock the door before walking in, Goku rolled his eyes heading towards the front door to meet him. One of his pet hates with his father was the fact he thought knocking the door once was acceptable to then welcome yourself in. Bardock helped Adele carry her stuff into the car, he avoided eye contact with Goku. Goku glared as he grabbed onto his dads shoulder.
"You can't be like this with me forever you know?!" Goku stepped back watching as his father turned to face him.

"I am still upset with you!" Bardock glared over at Adele as she tried to intervene. "Get in the car!" Adele looked over at Goku, he smiled at her reassuringly. She climbed into the car with her lips pursed together.

"Upset with me? I can't help who I fall in love with!" Goku spat as Bardock snorted at him.

"We aren't doing this again!" Bardock climbed into the car glaring at his son. "Let me know when you've outgrown your stupid faze!" He slammed the door shut. Adele looked over with sorry eyes, Goku gritted his teeth watching as his father sped off. He turned round storming into the house.

An hour since his father left, and he was laid still on the bed, music on shuffle, headphone on. Back to the usual shit once again. They agreed to use one of the spare rooms for clients, meaning Goku would lay waiting for Vegeta to crawl into bed with him. He gritted his teeth, knowing the room opposite his boyfriend was having sex with a client. He promised himself he wasn't going to let it get to him, Vegeta always reassured him that he loved him and that sex with him is different. He caught corner of his eye Vegetas phone ringing, is slid off from the bedside under the bed. Goku rolled his eyes, he was going to leave it there, but then knowing him he'd forget about it when Vegeta would go in a fit of panic if he couldn't find his phone. He hung over the bed to grab Vegeta's phone, he stared at the suit case as he picked Vegeta's phone up. Curious thoughts started to invade his mind as he tried to resist the temptation, he placed Vegeta's phone back on the side as he sat up biting his lip.

Vegeta escorted the client out, before heading upstairs to his room. He slowly opened the bedroom door unsure if Goku had fallen asleep or not, as the door slowly opened his eyes widened as he saw the suitcase open, Goku sat on the edge of the bed glaring at him. His heart began to palpitate as he saw the disappointment on Goku's face. "Babe, I can explain." He put his hands out as Goku held onto one of the small bags.

"Are you fucking kidding me Vegeta?! You are at it again?! The very thing that got us in this shit in the first place?!" He threw the bag back into the suit case running his fingers through his scalp as he stared at it. "Fuck!!!"

"Do you honestly believe I want to be doing this?!" Vegeta snapped seeing Goku still staring at the opened suitcase. "Look at me!"

Goku shook his head his eyes looking away from Vegeta. "I don't know what to believe!"

"Believe me!" He rushed over to sit next to Goku, he held onto Goku's hands. "Look at me!"

Goku sighed as he looked into Vegeta's eyes. "It's me or that!" He looked over at the drugs, before glaring back at Vegeta.

Vegeta scrunched his eyebrows up looking over at the suit case before looking at Goku. "It's not as simple as that!"

Goku pulled his hands away from Vegeta, he let out a brittle laugh. "Then I'll make the decision for you!" He rose to his feet and stormed out the room.

Vegeta started to follow him, Goku turned glaring at him he pushed him back. "No!"

"Will you at least listen to me!" Vegeta gripped onto Goku's arm. "They threatened me! I don't want to do it, but I have no fucking choice!"

"Yes, yes you fucking do! Tell them you are not doing it! They are already getting the money paid back to them!" Goku sneered at him.

"I-I can't!" Vegeta furrowed his brows, he felt Goku shrug him off as he started to walk away again. "Goku! Wait!"

Goku chuckled looking back "I'm done with this! I love you, fuck do I love you! But this! I refuse to be part of!"

"So that's it then?!" Vegeta fought back his tears glaring at Goku.

Goku stared at him before looking over at the suitcase. "Then pick! Me, or them!" He pointed at the the suit case.

"I've just told you I fucking can't!" Vegeta snapped he watched as Goku clicked his tongue shaking his head in annoyance.

"Then I've made up your mind for you!" Goku spat "we are fucking done!"

Vegeta watched as Goku stormed off, he walked over to the suitcase staring at it before throwing it off the bed. He kicked it, cussing at himself before throwing himself onto the bed.

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