The rules.

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Sat inside a lively restaurant, illuminating reds and oranges leaving a warm feeling. Goku nervously tapping his fingers on the table, lost in his thoughts became a regular thing now. He could see Chichi's lips moving, words not forming just sounds flowing out her mouth. He tried to focus, all whilst thinking about the other night; putting his feelings aside he knew that the money would help immensely. As Vegeta stated, it's just sex no harm done right? he bit down on his lip looking down at the table. Chichi losing her patience clicked her fingers in front of him to grab his attention.

"Were you even listening to me?" she pouted watching as he looked back at her half dazed "what has gotten into you lately?"

"I'm sorry, I've not slept much..." he rubbed the back of head looking over at her, he could see she was starting to get annoyed.

"it's because that whore you live with isn't it? can't he just, I don't know book a hotel or something?" she took a sip of wine as their dinner was served in front of them "I'd personally not put up with such disgusting acts under my roof!"

Goku started to tuck into his food not wanting the conversation to continue, he quickly changed the topic to work. They both spoke occasionally with no further word about Vegeta, it felt so awkward now that Chichi could sense she struck a nerve. She always voiced her opinion when it came to Vegeta, she couldn't understand why Goku always stuck up for him whenever a bad word was mentioned. She didn't want to push it too far so happily allowed the topic to change, they joked a little about their week assignment deadlines; and the shitty printer that seemed to have so many faults wrong with it no one wanted to be assigned to it. Walking out the restaurant after paying for their meal, Chichi linked her arm around Goku's not much was said between them. There was an occasional smile, and a short glance shared between them as they were near her house. Goku was about to leave her outside her house and head the opposite direction to his apartment. Chichi pulled him back violently, he looked at her with shock expression.

"you were going to leave without saying goodbye?!" she gripped his arm tightly, her nose scrunched up in disgust.

Goku managed to break from her grip, he planted a light kiss on her lips before pulling back. Nothing, he felt nothing for her yet there she was blushing pulling him into a deeper kiss. soft lips met his, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. She broke the kiss with a seductive look, Goku felt nervous knowing what she was wanting. He stepped back looking at his watch. "I've got to go...I'll see you in work tomorrow" with that he turned walking at a fast pace.

Chichi folded her arms glaring watching him walk away "men!" she turned to walk the opposite direction into her house.

Walking into the apartment, Vegeta was sat watching tv he looked over at Goku with a surprised expression. Goku hung up his keys and started to take his coat off muttering profanities under his breath.

"date didn't go well?" Vegeta smirked over watching Goku get annoyed as his coat kept falling off the hanger.

Goku sighed as the coat landed on the floor " can stay there...I don't care!" he kicked it and started to walk into the kitchen. He felt unsettled knowing the coat was just laying there so quickly walked over and hung it up, this time it stayed put. Goku stood there looking proud as he finally got the coat to stay put. Vegeta burst out laughing causing Goku to look over, he subtly drew his eyes to Vegeta's bare chest. The flickering lights from the tv shone onto his room mates body, shadows hugging every curve, dent on his body magnifying his masculinity. Goku bit on his bottom lip, he walked over and sat next to Vegeta looking at him with a serious expression.

Vegeta crossed his legs looking back at the serious expression "has something happened?"

"not really, Chichi was wanting more than a kiss, and I couldn't go through with it. I been too busy thinking...and I've made my decision." his cheeks glowed crimson as he done a hard swallow "I'm in...though I'd like to know if we are uh...expected to.."

"kiss? more than likely" Vegeta answered before Goku had chance to complete his question.

"and...see each other..." he started to fiddle with his hands due to nerves

"naked? of course. If that's a problem then we won't go ahead with it. Id need you to be relaxed otherwise it just won't work and would just be awkward experience for all" he saw the worry expression on Goku's face, he placed his hand on top of Goku's thigh "It's me, you will be in safe hands"

Goku nodded looking down at Vegeta's hand "yeah, I want to do it we need the money. So long as it doesn't affect our friendship."

Vegeta smiled and leaned into him planting a kiss on Goku's lips "I promise you" he sucked lightly on Goku's bottom lip "after we are done, we won't speak of it again" he leaned in more to deepen their kiss. Goku's eyes rolled back as he embraced the kiss, he felt a spark travel through his body he wanted more. Vegeta felt Goku's hands slowly roam down his waist, he tapped Goku's hands back and leaned back onto his seat. "Well, you seemed to like that. I'm sure you will do just fine on the night." he smirked watching Goku blush. "oh, and I'll need to go through some of the rules that will be relevant for the night." he leaned over to grab his file with paperwork.

"r-rules?" Goku gave Vegeta a funny look, he didn't know there were rules, in fact he didn't know much about Vegeta's work other than clients pay to have sex.

"well yes, that's why I have new clients sign a declaration too. I have to protect myself, don't worry. You don't need to know much of this just the one's relevant. For starters, cash upfront if they refuse to make the payment first, no service." He smirked over watching Goku trying to take mental note. "It's something I do now since I had a couple clients run off without paying" he rolled his eyes. "next, we don't build relationships with our client. by all means small talk is allowed, but when they go into personal stuff that's where I'll cut them off. I'm not there to listen about their life."

"I mean, it makes sense..." Goku still blushing but still listening trying to take in what he's agreeing to.

"Oh, and privacy is a big thing. You can use your fake name if you like, we need to respect our client, no kink shaming and no disclosing information about them." Vegeta gave Goku a stern look aware he had spoke to Yamcha about some of the clients. "safe word, it's important if something doesn't feel right that we and the client communicate letting the other know if they are not happy. We will agree on a word on the night so don't go over thinking on that" He grinned.

"I didn't know there were certain rules you had to follow." Goku confessed looking a little sheepish.

"most importantly, protection. They refuse protection, then it's a no go I always have them on me so they can't use excuses." He placed his file onto the coffee table and looked back at Goku "those are the relevant ones that you have to worry about, this client is aware of them so that should put you at ease."

Goku nodded, he looked over at the tv it was some game show the female host wore tight revealing clothing leaving very little to imagination.

Vegeta looked over at Goku "so, you sure you still want to do this?"

Goku looked away from tv and gave Vegeta a nod.

"great, I'll message her now and let you know what she says" He smiled as he grabbed his laptop.

Goku smiled nodding before looking back at the tv. There was no going back now, he agreed to it.

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