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Leaving work half dazed, Goku looked up at the sky the clouds looked darker than usual, there were sharp gust of cold wind. He tucked his cheeks into his coat, with his hood up, tucking his hands in his pockets. Chichi had the day off from work, so he didn't have to worry about her. He had enough from Yamcha asking him questions from what he had told him yesterday, he regretted even telling him now. As he done a brisk walk heading back to his apartment he noticed a change in the weather.Dark heavy clouds sprawled across the sky, with a subtle metallic smell in the air, sharp bitter wind blowing from both direction.The air grew heavy and the humidity pressed down, suffocating. In sudden silence there's a low crackle of thunder, rolling across the sky with light rain drops. There's a pause, before a streak of hot silver splits the sky, and the downpour begins. Sharp cold droplets pelted down, Goku seeing his apartment ahead, kept his head down and ran he was already drenched. Soon as he reached to the doors he threw his hood back, his legs felt stiff and frozen, he used the elevator which took forever to open. As he walked down the corridor leaving trail of droplets behind him he noticed it was pitch black, the flickering light above the apartment door was flickering no more. He rustled into his pocked for his keys, the nosey neighbour popped their head out holding a candle. Goku sighed,he opened the door, it was darkness, there were few candles lit around enough to get your bearing. He looked over seeing Vegeta sat on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket looking at his phone. Warm, dazzling orange hues from the candles flickered casting unsteady shadows. There was a loud rumble that echoed from the outside ,before another silver strobe light flashed from the window ,quilting the room.Still drenched but mesmerised by seeing the lights from the candles and flash from outside dance around the room, shadows casted around his room mate he found it captivating. His eyes were drawn to Vegeta, he couldn't resist just looking at him, embracing the warmth feeling the candles gave off.

Vegeta noticing Goku's trance like stare let out a long laboured sigh. "We should be getting power back within an hour or two. Not sure what you are gawking at, but you look drenched you should get changed"

"Sorry" Goku averted his eyes back to the candle lights.

"Sorry for what?" Vegeta scrunched his eyebrows looking at Goku who was still standing there, water collecting by his feet from being out in the rain.

"Just, something..." Goku bit his lip glancing back at Vegeta.

"Just something?!" Vegeta retorted as he dropped the blanket that was wrapped round him, he walked over to Goku to help take his coat off. "You are soaked!"

Watching as Vegeta took the drenched coat to hang up in the bathroom, and walk back in with a towel. Goku felt his heart skip a beat, soaking up Vegeta's well sculpted body thanks to the candle lights.Goku stared deeply into Vegeta's eyes, causing Vegeta to look back at him puzzled.

"Are you wanting me to dry you off as well?!" He held out the towel to Goku, slowly starting to lose his patience.

Goku grabbed the towel from Vegeta, he looked at him yearning to kiss him, to feel close to him. He'd been thinking about him at work. "No clients?" He tried to strike up a conversation as Vegeta was about to head back to the sofa.

Vegeta turned to face him folding his arms "only a few from earlier." He rolled his eyes watching Goku slide his shoes off, and struggled to take his socks off. "Sit down" he pointed at the sofa whilst pinching the bridge of his nose.

Another loud clap of thunder echoed the room, the candle light continued to flicker its warming light around the room. Goku sat down, he watched as Vegeta went down on his knee to help pull his socks off.

"Can't believe I'm doing this for you, but if I had to stand there and watch you just stand around like a lost child any longer.I'd of  ripped my hair out" he threw the socks to the side as he rose to his feet looking down at Goku. "Don't tell me you expect me to help strip the rest of you down?! If so, I'll be charging" he smirked with a deadpan expression. His expression soon changed as he saw Goku lean forward with slight smirk.

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