The notepad

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Goku laid still on his side, staring blissfully at Vegeta his leg tucked between Vegeta's legs, his arm tucked under the pillow. With his free arm he wrapped protectively over Vegeta, holding him close to embrace his warmth,Vegeta stirred slightly and wrinkled his nose at the touch. Goku couldn't help but laugh a little at the face he pulled, softly and so delicately he planted a kiss on Vegeta's forehead. He felt guilt for not being there for him, for expecting him to make a choice; he should of known it wasn't as simple as that. Every morning as he awoke next to Vegeta, he'd spend those special few minutes studying Vegeta's face, his body, his smell, and soft skin. He loved every part of him, parts that he never really noticed till they started their relationship. Feeling Vegeta's warm breath against his chest, sent shivers up his spine, the more he spent his waken days with Vegeta, the more love he felt which he didn't know was possible. His favourite part was starting and ending his days cuddled up half naked, when their bodies press up against each other he felt connected. Like the Greek mythology where they believed humans were originally created with extra limbs, for them to be split in two, condemning them to spend their lives in search for their other halves. Goku felt as though he found that half that made him whole. His bliss moment was rudely disturbed as he heard a knock on their bedroom door.

"Hey guys, you awake?!" Adele called out from the other side.

Goku sighed he noticed Vegeta stir slowly opening his heavy eye lids. Another knock caused Goku to sigh again. "Just head downstairs Adele!" Goku replied in a sharp tone, slowly unwrapping himself from Vegeta. He stretched slowly sitting up,  he felt soft hand glide up his back.

"When is she going home?" Vegeta croaked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hopefully soon." Goku smiled over his shoulder at Vegeta , he swung his legs over the edge of the bed slowly planting his feet firmly on the carpet. He chuckled hearing Vegeta grunt and mumble to himself as he shifted to his other side.


Adele was sat on the sofa scrolling through her phone awaiting for everyone else to get up. She glanced over seeing a diary placed on top of a file under the coffee table. She grinned placing her phone down to pick it up. She flicked through the diary, her mouth gaped noticing it was bookings; she saw names, times, and what it was for. Blushing she placed the diary down and looked inside the file, she furrowed her brows in concentration as she skimmed through list of rules. She came across notepad that was tucked between paperwork, she heard movement from upstairs that caused her to panic. Listening out for anyone coming downstairs, she quickly skimmed through the notepad, her cheeks still crimson as she started to laugh reading parts. There were creak sounds from the stairs, she quickly tucked everything away back from how she recalled it all placed. Goku stumbled in looking over at her as she pretended to be busy on her phone.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Goku yawned rubbing his eyes still looking towards Adele. Adele shook her head giving an innocent smile. Goku muttered under his breath as he stumbled out heading towards the kitchen.

Adele glanced back towards the file, so eager to read more; yet it was too risky.

An hour passed and Adele was sat waiting for her uncle to pick her up again. Goku waited with her, dreading seeing his dad again. Adele looked up at Goku with a half smile. "Could I visit you guys more often?" She asked as they heard a car pull up outside.

Goku sighed rubbing back of his neck. "You have to ask first and not just show up. And please, don't mention about Vegeta's job!"

Adele gave him a reassuring nod as they headed outside. Bardock avoided eye contact, grabbing Adele's bag off Goku and throwing it in the car. Goku glared at his father, hurt by how cold he was being to him; Bardock shrugged off his glares and drove off without saying goodbye.

Vegeta looked at his diary whilst checking his watch, he knew Goku would be back home within an hour from the gym. So he made mental note of the time, as well as what to have for food later. His male client sat opposite him signing piece of paper whilst glancing over at Vegeta nervously. Vegeta placed his diary down and smiled over at his client as they handed him the pen and signed contract back.

"Okay." He let out a sigh placing the contract in the file, his eyebrows furrowed slightly something seemed out of place;but he couldn't make out what exactly. He noticed the client leaning more towards him, nervous and unsure what Vegeta was going to say. Vegeta shook off his confusion with the file placing it down before facing the client. "You said you're a virgin?" Vegeta rubbed his temple as the client nodded nervously. "Just to ensure you are in right mindset here, you are paying me to take your virginity. You sure you don't want to wait for someone special?"

"Mate, I'm thirty, I've been waiting too long now!" The client confessed clearing his throat.

"I see." Vegeta leaned back folding his arms studying his client. "So, top or bottom?" He smirked seeing the confused glance from the client. "Or we can switch, your choice."

"I'm not sure." The client sat thinking about it, he didn't expect such question.

Vegeta leaned in pulling his client in for a kiss. "Or shall we see where this takes us?" He hummed as he deepened the kiss. He felt hands clumsily feel his thighs gliding up and down his back. Vegeta pulled back grabbing his clients hands. "Don't think too much on it." He rose to his feet guiding the client to follow him.


Adele headed up to the spare room at her aunts and uncles house, closing the door behind her she rushed to the bed and opened her bag grinning as she pulled out the notepad.

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