The night.

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Finishing work usually was Goku's favourite part of his job, but today was the day that he was meeting up with one of Vegeta's clients. He had been building himself up for this all last week and today since agreeing to the offer, he kept relaying the kiss Vegeta gave him, how it made him feel. Not wasting any time he hurried grabbing his stuff before exiting the building.Chichi was waiting outside for him, seeing him lost in his own thoughts again she yanked at his arm causing him to look back at her.

"Someone's in a hurry." She tapped her foot as Goku blushed a little they both started to walk along side each other. Since the date, Chichi was adamant they were dating now. With a lot running through his mind, she was the least of his problems. They both joked about work which was the norm of their conversations. Before going separate ways to their home, chichi wrapped her arms lovingly around Goku's neck and kissed him softly before releasing her arms. "See you tomorrow" she waved shyly as she blushed and walked in the opposite direction.

Goku smiled and waved back, he rolled his eyes as she turned her back to him walking towards her home. He started to rush back to the apartment, remembering Vegeta being strict on the times when It came to the clients. As he ran into their apartment Vegeta passed him a jeans and a white shirt, he looked over seeing Vegeta wearing the same. Not wanting to harass him with further questions as he had all week, he rushed into the bedroom and got changed. Walking out the bedroom he saw Vegeta looking out the Living room window.

"Taxi is here" he looked over at Goku who stood nervously "you will be fine, you're with me" as they grabbed their apartment keys Vegeta handed Goku a blue pill. Goku looked at it in horror and gave Vegeta a surprised look. "What? We can't afford you going limp within first three minutes...take it!" Vegeta smirked as Goku blushed. He done as he was told and followed Vegeta into the taxi. Vegeta looked over at his watch before getting into the taxi, he handed the driver a piece of paper with an address on it. The driver raised his eyebrows at Vegeta, Vegeta folding his arms glared over. Obviously the driver knew him, there was tension felt between them which made the journey awkward.

Half hour, half hour is what it took to arrive at their destination. Half hour of silence and awkward glares between Vegeta and the driver. As Goku climbed out first, he saw as Vegeta carefully handed the driver the money; Vegeta slowly climbed out the taxi. He grinned before looking back at the taxi driver.

"Oh and tell your ex wife, I said hi" with that he slammed the door and walked off as the taxi driver started to shout out profanities. Goku looked over at Vegeta shaking his head jokingly "Tsk, maybe if he done a better job she wouldn't of gone out paying for sex" he had a smug grin on his face as he pressed the buzzer by iron gates.

Goku looked in awe, they were stood outside a secluded mansion. The gates abruptly opened allowing them to walk in, Goku's eyes explored the outside, sand coloured gravelled path lead to the two main doors. Even in middle of autumn and cold nights there was fresh green grass, and vines beautifully crawling up the alluring building. There were trees which were near bare yet no sign of fallen leaves. "She has a well maintained garden" goku smiled admiring the outside, he didn't understand why Vegeta snorted at his comment.

Bulma opened the door allowing them both in, she wore a short laced dress hugging her figure. She swayed her hips in front of them as they followed her into a small office area, she offered them both a glass of wine. Vegeta looked around, shelves crammed with old books, a green leather rocker sat in the centre, pictures of what looked like family holiday snaps were on the wall.

Bulma smiled looking at the pictures with him, "my parents are on holiday, I gave my maid and butler a day off. So it's just us three" she gave him a wink.

"I see" vegeta sat on the rocker finishing his wine, he looked up at Bulma. "So, you know the rules"

"Oh right, of course" she placed her glass down "I'll be right back"

Goku watched as she walked out the room, he looked at Vegeta "that was a little rude of you."

Vegeta pinched bridge of his nose before looking up at Goku's stern look "we aren't here to be friends, we are here to give her what she has requested, then we fuck off"

Bulma walked in and handed a roll of notes to Vegeta, she folded her hands smirking as his eyes widened starting to count the notes. "As promised" she looked over at Goku "you must be Kakarot huh?" She shook his hand and giggled as he blushed. "Naw, no need to be shy" she winked at him before looking over at Vegeta.

"Alright" he tucked the notes in his jacket pocket, he looked around the room before back at Bulma. "Where are you wanting us, because it seems a bit cramped in here"

Bulma blushed a little as she smirked "shoes, socks and coats off first then I'll take you to one of the spare rooms"

As they done what she requested, Goku looked around the room again. He smiled over at Bulma "you have a nice place, can't understand why you want someone like us over here" he admitted as he looked around again.

Bulma giggled "come on" she held both other hands and lead them up the stairs.

Goku gulped, this is it, he can't turn back now. He bit his lip, stomach tied knots, he felt sick, as they got closer to the bedroom Vegeta and Bulma looked over at him with a smile, it slightly put him at ease as Bulma slowly opened the room door.

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