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AN: right, my chronic fatigue alongside my pains is being an utter bitch right now! And  my mental health has decided it's felt left out so joining in on this chronic partay!. So if no one hears from me straight away...I'm probably asleep. Serious note though, thank you for the likes, the reads, the comments. I didn't expect this story to get as much interaction as it has! That's so freakin awesome. Know what else is freakin awesome?

You! ;)

Onwards to smutsville-

Sat by his desk Goku was leaning back on his chair, awaiting for his break, his thoughts trailed off as he stared absently at the clock on the wall. He couldn't wait to go back home to cuddle up to his boyfriend. Thoughts from yesterday caused him to grin biting his lip lightly, a tap on his shoulder broke him from his trance.

Yamcha waved his hand in front of Goku's face "hey! You seem in a good mood, you've been smiling none stop."

Goku's cheeks filled with light crimson he hadn't noticed he was smiling whilst having lewd thoughts. "Just been nice being back home after hectic weekend with the family."

"Well, it's our 15 minute break" Yamcha looked at his watch then back at the clock, as if to check if both were in fact showing the right time. "shall we head over to the break area for coffee?"Goku got onto his feet following Yamcha into the office kitchen. "I'll do the coffee rounds, you can sit down."

There was an empty table opposite, Goku sat down looking at his phone. He felt a tap on his leg as Chichi sat next to him. He chose to ignore her as she leaned in staring at him.

Yamcha walked over placing coffee on the table, he looked at Chichi as he sat down. "Hey Chichi, hows things with you?" Yamcha spoke up to break the silence between them.

Chichi smiled at Yamcha before focusing on Goku again. "I'm so sorry what happened the other day, just know I'm here if you need someone to talk to." She said in a nurturing way.

Yamcha sipped his coffee raising a brow over at Goku. "What happened the other day?" Goku placed his phone down taking a sip of his coffee, whilst Chichi kept looking over at him. "Is it why you've been smiling all day?" Yamcha asked Goku as he leaned back on his chair.

Chichi gave Yamcha a stern look "well he found out Vegeta is a cheat."

Goku chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee, he looked over at Yamcha who was now leaning towards them both. "Chichi got drunk looking for me, Vegeta was kind enough to let her stay is all."

Chichi folded her arms and tutted "now Goku, no need to go in denial." She looked over at Yamcha who was now drinking his coffee with perplexed expression "Yes I was drunk, and I done stuff I'm not proud of that night,but Vegeta instigated it" she said assuringly.

"Wait, I thought Vegeta didn't like women in that way?" Yamcha looked at them both with confusion.

"He doesn't, chichi offered him money to sleep with her." Goku glared at chichi as her cheeks flushed crimson. "Well, I wasn't going to say much to save you the embarrassment. You are now trying to make out something happened when it didn't...well, perhaps foreplay but that was it." Goku shrugged.Yamcha almost fell from his seat from laughing.

Chichi glared over at Yamcha as she pouted, she looked back at Goku. "Look, what he done just proves he doesn't like you the way you like him"

Goku shook his head smiling "thanks to you Chichi, we had a rough time yesterday"

Chichi leaned in placing her hand on his lap "oh I'm so sorry. You know, maybe you aren't into men?"

Goku finished his coffee, he got up on his feet looking down at Chichi with a grin. "You should've heard him screaming out my name as I pounded into him" chichi sat slack jawed, he leaned into her ignoring Yamcha's shocked expression "I fucking loved it." He smirked seeing Chichi's mouth open as he slammed his empty cup on the table in front of her.

Back at the apartment Vegeta had finished with a client, there was a knock at the door leaving his feeling anxious as he looked at his watch. He opened the door allowing Jeice and some other men he hadn't met before in. "You're early" vegeta looked over at them all whilst fetching the money, he passed the money over to Jeice. Jeice passed the cash over to one of the men who started to count it. Jeice grinned over at Vegeta.

"Since you been so good paying back so far, we thought we'd help you along the way, by helping us."  He nodded over to one of the men who passed him a bag carefully sealed up.

Vegeta's eyes widened taken a step back. "I'm not doing that, you can fuck off!"

Jeice laughed he pinned Vegeta against the wall by his throat "you don't get a say in the matter! You do it or -" Vegeta felt a sharp blade twist into his rib cage, Vegeta winced looking at Jeice in horror. "You get the message?!" Gasping for air Vegeta reluctantly nodded. "Good boy" he shoved the bag into Vegeta's hand. "Now we have our regulars, you will give them what they ask for including what you do best" Jeice winked at him "you put that money separate for one of our men to collect after wards." Seeing Vegeta staring at the bag slightly shaken he leaned into him. "Come on, it'll be like old times, remember you little fucks selling our shit at higher rate and we hadn't seen any of that money? This time we will make sure we have the money and as an extra pay you get to sleep with them free of charge." He shoved Vegeta into the wall. "We will contact you when our regular needs a fix" he looked over at one of the men holding a suitcase, he grabbed it from him and dumped it by Vegeta. "Keep that hidden, and don't try helping yourself. We know how much is in there!" They laughed leaving the apartment.

Vegeta threw the bag to the ground. "Fuck!" He cursed to himself as he slowly sunk down to his knees. "Fuck!" He cursed again, he felt bile travel up burning up his throat. He checked his watch as he looked at the suitcase, he quickly grabbed the small bag and suitcase dragging it into his room to hide under his bed. He threw himself onto his bed, his body frozen in fear, he couldn't tell Goku as he didn't want to worry him. He felt alone in that moment. His heart raced as he heard Goku walk in. He sat up pulling a straight face, he headed towards the front door and smiled over at Goku who hung his coat up. Fighting back his tears he kept a straight face. Goku rushed over to Vegeta to comfort him.

"Are you okay?" Goku looked at him worryingly resting his hands on a Vegeta's shoulders.

"Yeah, just happy to see you" Vegeta forced a smile as he pulled Goku in for a hug.

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