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Sat on the kitchen counter, Vegeta held onto his coffee staring at it blankly. He was relieved to have a client cancel on him, as mentally he felt drained. His inner thoughts clouded him with painful memories that he struggled to erase, terrorising his dreams so he couldn't get restful sleep. He yawned whilst trying to focus on something else.There was a knock on the door that caused him to whine, in hope it wasn't the client changing their mind. He took his time to answer the door, Bulma smiled at him with worried eyes as she stepped in closing the door behind her. She huffed watching as Vegeta strolled back into the kitchen, rolling her eyes she followed him in and watched as he sat up on the counter taking a sip of coffee.

"Well hello to you too." She said in a sarcastic tone her hand rested firmly on her hip with, other hand holding her handbag.

"If you're wanting sex, I'm honestly not in the mood." Vegeta looked over at her as she placed her handbag on the counter and leaned against it folding her arms. "By the looks of it, you aren't either. Good." He went back to his coffee ignoring her glare.

"I actually need to speak to you and Kakarot." She looked over watching as Vegeta continued to sip his coffee. "This is serious!"

"Well, unfortunately my pain in the ass, literally and figuratively speaking." He smirked as he paused to take another sip of his coffee. "He's in work, so guess you'll need to visit again when he's home."

"Okay, I'm not sure what's gotten you in this sort of mood, but I really can't be dealing with it!" She started to search inside her handbag muttering to herself.

Vegeta quirked his brow at her. "Alright, what's so urgent that you need us both for?" He raised his brows watching as she stormed up towards him slamming piece of plastic next to him. He looked over noticing it is a pregnancy test, his eyes shot open as he looked back at her. "The fuck is that?!"

"It's a pregnancy test you shit for brains! And it's says I'm pregnant!" She pace the room running her fingers through her hair.

"I know what it is-" before vegeta could finished she leaned into him.

"Then why ask?!" She picked the test up waving it in front of him.

Vegeta placed his coffee down massaging his temples, before looking at the test. "We've used protection you told me you were taking contraceptive pill as well!"

"Yeah, and guess what?! They aren't a hundred percent reliable! and just to make it even more laughable.I've only slept with you two in the last few months, I'm roughly seven weeks." She stood folding her arms waiting for Vegeta to figure it out.

Vegeta knitted his brows thinking to himself before looking over at her. "That's a bit specific how the fuck am I going to recall what happened...wait...fuck!" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Yep! Just before New Years, alcohol and all!" She threw the test back in her bag and started to chew on her nails. Vegeta scrunched his face up at her. "What?!"

"You pissed on that thing and placed it in your bag." He looked over in disgust.

"Oh, so never mind that you could be the father let's be more concerned about me throwing the test back in my bag?!" Bulma chuckled as she grabbed her bag.

"That you pissed on..." Vegeta rubbed his temples again looking to the floor ignoring Bulma's glare as she struggled to think of how to respond. "Look, we can't say anything to Kakarot, he doesn't need to know."

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