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It was a grey slow morning, the apartment reflected the miserable weather by quilting the rooms in very dull colour. Goku slowly woke up hearing music playing through the radio that traveled from the living room, squinting his eyes he looked over at his clock, 10:30am. He rubbed his eyes slowly adjusting his eyesight. With a yawn he uncurled his body and stretched out flexing his feet, with a satisfying tightening feeling in his muscles; from the stretch he slowly rose from his bed.

He staggered out his room towards the kitchen. Vegeta already dressed in his casual jeans and navy top, looked over watching Goku trying to properly wake himself up. It was rather comical watching Goku stagger around, obviously the weeks office work had caught up with him. Vegeta rested his feet on top of the coffee table, replying to emails on his laptop quietly chuckling to himself as he heard Goku cuss at himself as he stumbled over his own foot.

Goku prepping his cup for coffee looked over at Vegeta "you wanting coffee?" He yawned taking another stretch.

"already had one" Vegeta responded staring at his laptop with his tongue poking out in concentration, as he continued to type his reply to one of his emails.

Stirring his cup he walked over and sat next to Vegeta. "Nice of you to of offered me one then!" He took a sip of his coffee.

"You weren't awake, snooze you lose" vegeta placed his laptop down, he flexed his fingers and looked over at the window, the sky was so dull looking which left a very miserable aura in the room.

"Hey Vegeta, last night I heard that male client ,and oh man did I cringe for you" he blushed a little with a nervous laugh trying to brighten up the mood of the room.

Vegeta looked over grinning, he shook his head. "Thanks, did you hear him asking for his mother's forgiveness?" He sniggered as Goku spat out his coffee "his mother believes gay is a disease, so he's in denial. That's up there in my list of awkward fucks."

"You have a list for that?" Goku raised his brow in disbelief.

"Not like you to show interest in my work" vegeta smirked watching Goku squirm slightly, he didn't usually show much interest. He was too embarrassed to confess how he found it arousing watching Vegeta make out with another man.

"I don't, just thought I'd brighten up the mood in here" Goku rose from the sofa "I'm heading to the gym, fancy joining unless you're expecting a client?" Goku had observed Vegeta hadn't looked at his watch, he knew he was free.

"Sure, beats sitting in here all day" vegeta folded his arms looking at Goku up and down "you aren't planing to go out like that though?" Goku looked down at his lounge pants.

"Why not? It's a good look right?" He grinned finishing his coffee as vegeta shook his head. "Alright, I'm getting changed then we can head out"

Having spent an hour work out at the gym, mostly Goku using the weights whilst Vegeta exchanged numbers with potential customers. Goku worked himself an appetite, walking out the changing room to meet Vegeta ;who was leaning against the wall staring at his phone. He tapped Vegeta's shoulder to grab his attention, Vegeta put his phone away looking up at Goku.

"Fancy going for something to eat?" Goku smiled at him as his stomach began to rumble.

"so long as you are paying" vegeta smirked as he quickly checked his phone again before putting it away.

Goku lead the way towards a small built up area, there was a cafe that sat at the corner of the busy street. cold water droplets fell from the sky running down their face, it felt refreshing after breaking out sweat in the gym.  Vegeta threw his coat over his head gritting his teeth feeling the rain trickle down him, whilst Goku embraced the winter rain. It was something different compared to the warm ambient rain during the summer months, it left subtle metallic smells as it softly hit the ground below.They both ran into the cafe as it started to pour heavier, Vegeta shook his coat glaring outside as if to cuss at the weather.

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