Same sh*t, different day.

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The morning sun shone through Goku's bedroom curtains, casting a golden light that blanketed the room; and kissed his face awake. Rubbing his eyes he looked over towards his digital clock, 07:55 am Goku stretched his body out as if to awaken himself up from a sleep like trance. He sat up pulling the duvet off him and swung his legs round to the edge of the bed.

Scratching back of his head as he yawned, he opened the curtains seeing morning frost glistening around the edges of the window. Grabbing the pile of ready laid out clothes for work, he quietly opened his bedroom door unsure if his roommate was awake.Walking out his bedroom he saw Vegeta huddled up on the sofa sitting side saddled wearing his royal blue bathrobe, and matching slippers. The news was on the tv, yet vegeta seemed more concentrated on his phone to be aware of what the news reporter was saying. Goku too half asleep to pay attention himself, the tv sounded muffled to him as he walked past towards the bathroom.

Still staring at his phone but aware of his roommates presence. "Morning" he said mid yawn scrolling through his notifications on his phone.

Goku didn't even string together a word in response, it was more of a half grunt sound, as he entered the bathroom.

Vegeta half smiled at the response he had, knowing Goku wasn't much of a morning person; there was no point having a conversation till after he had eaten. Pulling out his diary that was tucked by the side of him, he checked what days he was free before responding to a client. Clicking his tongue as he saw very few days he was completely free, he noticed a pattern.

Whenever the Christmas period was just around the corner, more clients would call requesting a booking. It would go quiet in January, then start picking up again in February; where couples would be looking to experiment to spice up their sex life. He responded back to his client with the times that he was free on the specific date they requested. Hearing Goku jump out the shower, Vegeta placed his phone and diary on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen to put the kettle on. Whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, he placed slices of bread in the toaster and got a small plate out.

Goku finished dressing himself ready for work, he could hear rustling in the kitchen. He headed out the bathroom to see Vegeta stirring their cups of coffee and had toast out ready on the breakfast bar. This didn't happen very often as Vegeta was usually still sleeping at this time. Goku sat at the breakfast bar and started to eat slice of toast, Vegeta placed cup of coffee next to Goku's breakfast. Grabbing his own cup of coffee he sat next to Goku, and pushed a brown envelope in front of him. Goku finished his slice and looked inside, he pulled out the notes and was astonished how much he earned just in one night. He placed the notes back in the envelope and started to sip his coffee.

"She paid me double last night, turns out her husband never goes down on her" vegeta smirked watching Goku nearly choke on his coffee. "Well, that should keep those bastards and Frieza off our case the now." He took a sip of his own coffee as he looked over towards the tv, there was an ad on about a talk show for this afternoon showing people shouting at each other. He took great pleasure watching these kind of programmes, it brought him some comfort knowing his life isn't as shitty.

Finishing his breakfast, Goku took last sip of his coffee before he rose to his feet. "I best be heading off now, thanks for the breakfast Geta" he smiled as he started to put on his coat.

"It's the least I can do considering you have to put up with clients coming over, hopefully your music helped drown out most the noise." Vegeta grinned looking over at Goku, he knew how uncomfortable Goku would get when he openly spoke about his work.

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