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Waking up entwined into each others bodies,  Goku traced Vegeta's lip with the tip of his finger. Vegeta pouted his lips slightly, leaving Goku an urge to bite his lips, to kiss them, to hold him in closer and listen to their gentle breathing. They shared crooked smiles as they gazed into each others eyes. Goku felt his heart skip a beat as Vegeta looked back at him lovingly, it felt as if every ounce of his breath was taken from his lungs floating into the air like midnight smoke. As Vegeta planted a light kiss, he felt like the world had stopped, as he felt Vegeta's arms wrap round him he felt at warmth travel through his body, a feeling he grew accustomed to. Reluctantly, Goku pulled from their embrace sluggishly getting out of bed to get dressed. Vegeta took advantage of this and wrapped himself up with rest of the duvet, he grinned mischievously as Goku sulked. Goku could happily stay in bed all day, in the warmth, but he was spending time with his family for the weekend. 

Goku leaned in planting a kiss on Vegeta's lips "I could happily just stay in bed with you, and stare at your beautiful face all day." he smiled as Vegeta sunk his face into the duvet hiding his crimson cheeks. Goku rose to his feet taking a long satisfying stretch, awakening his muscles, before exiting the room.

Vegeta turned over onto his back he took a small stretch looking at his watch with a sigh, he rubbed his eyes before turning to his side huddling himself more into the duvet.

After spending an hour getting himself ready and packing his stuff, Goku crept into Vegeta's room, he smiled seeing Vegeta in a light sleep. He planted a small peck on his forehead, watching as Vegeta stirred from the touch he knelt down by the bed side. "I'll see you in a couple of days, feel free to text or call me if you need me." he stroked side of Vegeta's face as Vegeta looked up at him with sleepy eyes "and promise me you'll eat properly?!" 

Vegeta rolled his eyes as he pulled Goku in for a kiss "shut up, and stop worrying" he poked Goku on the nose.

"I never have-" Goku paused planting a kiss on Vegeta's lips "and I never will, stop worrying about you." he lightly poked Vegeta on the nose and chuckled seeing Vegeta scrunch his nose up in response. Vegeta wasn't used to having others worry about him, his family disowned him after finding out the trouble he had gotten into, he was used to caring for himself rather than depend on others. He started to become more aware how much Goku had cared for him as they started dating. Even when they were just friends, he hadn't really paid much attention to Goku's care for him till now. The worrying looks Goku would give if he noticed he hadn't eaten a proper meal during the day, the gentle reminders from him to rest. Their relationship being something new to them both, they opened up more of their vulnerability to one another; becoming each others addiction. Goku pulled Vegeta in for a passionate kiss before leaving, Vegeta sat up watching as Goku left the room. Everything went silent, Vegeta stared at his watch before slowly crawling out of bed.

Arriving outside his parent's house with his bag over his shoulder, Goku inhaled before ringing the doorbell, there was muttering heard from the other side as the door slowly swung open. Goku peeped his head through watching as his brother headed down the hallway towards the lounge area. "nice to see you too!" Goku called out sarcastically as he closed the front door behind him. He could hear bickering going on towards where his brother had headed, Goku dumped his bag by the stairs; hesitantly he walked towards the lounge. He looked at the old family photographs on the wall, he shook his head seeing the ones with him and his brother sharing a bath when they were younger. As much as they projected such hate towards the photograph, it always remained up on the wall for others to see. His mother's excuse being, it was to remind them of the times they got along. There was a thud sound that brought Goku's attention back towards the lounge area, he gulped feeling nervous as he slowly entered the lounge. His mother and father were sat comforting his aunt, whilst his brother was on the pc. His mother looked over towards Goku smiling.

"hey sweetie, how have you been?" his mother  Gine smiled whilst still comforting his aunt, she noticed Goku looking over with concern. "Oh, um, your cousin Adele has gone missing." She smiled nervously as his aunt broke down in tears.

"again?" Goku raised his brow, it became the norm that he'd get the news of his cousin running off. She'd end up at a friends house for a few days, he was aware of her home life she hated living with her mother and step father. 

"Goku! try to show some empathy here!" Gine tutted as she cuddled his aunt.

"sorry, she's 15 I doubt she'd of gotten far. Have you tried asking her friends?" Goku folded his arms looking over at his aunt.

"She's got a new boyfriend, neither of us know him nor her friends." Bardock looked over at his son before back at his sister in law. "Goku is right though, she probably hasn't gone far it's just her trying to rebel. My two done it all the time"

Raditz snorted, he swivelled his chair to face everyone "except I wasn't one taking shit like ecstasy and buying nasty stuff like heroin from drug dealers then selling it at a higher cost to desperate druggies." he smirked as Goku glared over at him. "no wonder you got a hell of a beaten from those dealers"

Goku's aunt eye's shot wide open staring at Goku in horror before breaking down and crying again. Gine shook her head in annoyance at Raditz. "did you have to bring that up?! that was a long time ago. Your brother is now in a better place!"

"pfft, it was only eight years ago wasn't it?" Raditz grinned over as Goku clenched his fist glaring. "besides, he's living with the one who got him in that shit in the first place." Raditz shrugged as his parents also glared over at him.

"We don't like to talk about that in this house! Goku know's our feelings on sharing an apartment with that person. We won't go into it again!" Bardock glared over at Goku. Goku felt a tight knot in his stomach, his parents always blamed Vegeta they were not impressed when Goku allowed him to move in with him. He knew they wouldn't be impressed if they found out they were now dating or the kind of work Vegeta does. There were a few things he hadn't told his parents, such as they were still paying back a hefty debt from their stupidity."now, your cousin has gone missing, so lets put whatever differences aside." Bardock looked over at Raditz who shrugged before swivelling the chair back to face the monitor.

Back at the apartment, Vegeta was sat counting the cash from his last client. He had the tv on for background noise, he felt exhausted and was tempted to go to bed; he looked at his watch and let out a long exasperated sigh. A knock at the door caused him to throw his head back debating if he should just ignore it, another knock at the door caused him to rise his feet muttering to himself as staggered towards the door and opened it. 

"hi stranger" Bulma winked as she walked in, Vegeta closed the door behind them. Bulma leaned against the kitchen counter looking around the apartment. "I won't be staying for long."

Vegeta quirked a brow whilst pouring them a glass of wine "why book for over an hour then?"

"because, I wanted to make an offer" she grabbed the glass from Vegeta taking a small sip before continuing "how'd you like to live in a house rent free?"

Vegeta spat out his wine before laughing at her, his facial reaction quickly changed when he seen the serious expression on her face. "what's the catch?"

 "So, I own this secluded four bedroom property. And I'm sure you'd prefer somewhere a little more private then prying eyes?" she took another sip of the wine before placing it on the counter "so you know I want no strings attached kind of relationship, I was thinking, I scratch your back, and you scratch mine" 

"I'll have to think about it." Vegeta leaned against the counter opposite folding his arms.

"well don't take too long on thinking about it, come on! A house, away from neighbours. surely that'll help with your work?! think of it as, friends with benefit. We both get something out of it" She smirked watching as Vegeta stood in silence, she could see he was busy thinking about it. "well, I'll leave you with that. Tell Kakarot I said hi." she winked planting a kiss on his cheek before heading off. "oh, and here" she placed envelope with cash in on the counter next to Vegeta. "you've got my number, let me know once you've made up your mind"

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