It's off!

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This chapter will be shorter than the next. You are still going to hate me, it's going to get fucked up from here and where near the end! My aim was for you to get to know the characters, feel for this story as such before the real drama unfolds.

Goku sat with absent expression, ambience from the office became slightly more obnoxious than usual. Tapping his pen impatiently on the desk, his eyes downcast; relaying what happened last week. It felt strange sleeping in a separate room from Vegeta, couple times he'd been tempted to make up to him. Despite his pain from finding out what Vegeta had hidden from him, he couldn't stop those raw emotions; Vegeta had become his new addiction and already he was having the withdrawals. Things had become awkward at home, only recently had they started talking; it was strange to be acting how they were before they started dating. As if those months were just a dream, he was back, back to answering the door to clients, listening to music doing his best to blank out what Vegeta was doing in the room opposite. He remembered being told how you should never date your friends, because if you were to split up, you will never have that friendship you had before; doing his best to prove them wrong was rather difficult. They didn't laugh, it was short answers, awkward glances, both trying to avoid each other to escape that uncomfortable awkward feeling. He sighed, knowing his father would be so pleased to hear about their split. He never cared about peoples appearance, he fell for personality, the way they left him feeling, yet his dad just refused to understand. It was you were either straight or gay, you couldn't love both sexes, impossible in his fathers eyes. He heard a cough next to him that broke him from his thoughts, Chichi looked over at him with a half hearted smile. He rolled his eyes, she overheard him telling Yamcha about him and Vegeta breaking up; since then she tried her best to grab his attention.

"You are lost in your thoughts again, you can talk to me you know." She cooed pulling herself close to him, her hand rubbing down his thigh.

Goku gritted his teeth lifting her hand off him. "Just because I'm no longer with somebody, does not mean I'm looking for a sympathy fuck!"

A little flabbergasted by his words she pulled herself back. "I was just trying to be supportive!"

"No, you've been trying it on for last couple of days now! I should technically report you to hr for sexual harassment" he threw his pen on the desk leaning back on his chair with long exasperated sigh.

"Get over yourself!" Chichi spat in response as she went back to her work.


Back home, Vegeta answered the front door, his heart feeling close to ripping out his chest. Jeice walked in with smug look.

"What was this urgent call about then?" Jeice raised a brow at the suitcase.

"It's off! I am not doing this" Vegeta dumped the suitcase by Jeice feet. "You will still get your money every month, but that has been nothing but a burden to me. I'm out!"

Jeice burst out laughing he stopped as he saw the seriousness on Vegeta's face. "You are no place to refuse this! Have you forgotten the threat?" He smirked pulling out a knife.

"Do it!" Vegeta stood open arms calling his bluff.

Jeice looked at the suitcase tucking the knife away. "You will regret doing this."

"I know you will do fuck all! Because how else will you get your money?!" Vegeta folded his arms glaring, hiding his nervousness, he could feel his body wanting to crumble.

Jeice grinned picking up the suitcase. "See you again Vegeta." He slowly walked out smirking at Vegeta from over his shoulder.

Vegeta watched as the door closed so painfully slow before he collapsed to the ground, his heart racing, struggling to catch his breath. He sat still for few minutes focusing on his breathing, he couldn't bear no longer being close to Goku anymore. It killed him he couldn't pick between them, because he had fear to fight back; yet he done just that. He laughed in relief, tears streamed down his face as he felt pain, regret, fear. Goku returned home an hour later, he hung his coat up he sighed as he heard the lounge door open. He fought himself from turning around.

"I did it..." vegeta finally spoken out breaking the awkward silence between them. "I handed the case back to them."

Goku shook his head with a saddened smile. "So what? It took for me to end our relationship for you to do something you should of done the first place?!" Goku looked over watching as Vegeta opened and closed his mouth unable to give a response. "I'm happy for you." He kicked his shoes off, about to take a step towards the stairs he felt a tug on his arm, he sighed looking down at Vegeta from corner of his eye.

"I thought you loved me?!" Vegeta didn't break his stare.

"Loved you?" Goku sighed he turned to face Vegeta, he rested his index under Vegeta's chin. Vegeta gasped at the touch, the touch he had longed for since they broke up, his eyes looking up at him pleadingly. "I still love you, and I'm not sure how long or even if I will ever stop loving you. I meant it, when I said no one has made me feel the way you do." He moved his hand away "but I can't do this anymore." He looked away as he started to climb the stairs to the spare room.

Vegeta stood watching as he walked away from him, he looked down to the floor as he heard Goku close the door behind him.

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