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A.n- I was a bit nervous doing this chapter. I'll let you read till you get to my other little note at the end.

Goku was sat anxiously holding onto his now empty cup from the morning coffee, he stared absently at the Christmas tree that sat proudly in the corner of the room with it's tiers of flickering lights of reds and greens. Silver tinsel neatly wrapped around, with shiny orbs spaced out on branches that glistened at any movement and reflection. noises around him were drowned out as he was lost in his thoughts. A week he had spent helping to unpack, whilst feeling more anxious as they approached closer to Christmas. Bulma had helped decorate their place as neither Vegeta or himself saw the point on putting Christmas decorations up. Goku would usually spend the holidays with his parents, this year however, his parents were keen to spend it at his new place. Warm spice aroma travelled around their house with subtle scent of fir tree and vanilla blended in with cinnamon, it left a warm relaxing feeling allowing the mind to forget the bitter cold from outside. Chewing on his inside lip as his mind relayed different scenarios of what may or may not happen during his parents stay, he felt a light tug from the cup he was holding. He looked up seeing Vegeta giving him a worried glance, ambience of obnoxious Christmas music from the radio filled his ears awakening him from his trance like state. He lightened his tight grasp on the mug allowing Vegeta to take it off him.

"Did you hear us calling for you?" Vegeta's face didn't change from his worried expression. He noticed Goku's bewildered expression. "of course you didn't, too busy worrying about stuff that hasn't even happened yet."

"I can't help it." Goku sighed looking up at the ceiling. "I can't have them finding out about us, not yet anyway."

Vegeta let out a long laboured sigh as he leaned on the arm of the sofa. "We talked about this, I am fine with pretending we are not a couple, just so you don't need to stress about their reaction. So, stop worrying. Oh, and please don't leave me any longer with that woman in the kitchen singing along to this repugnant music!" Bulma had popped in for a visit, she was insistent that they played Christmas songs everyday building up to Christmas, in attempt to put them in a festive mood. She was helping out in the kitchen prepping food for when Goku's parents arrive, they had called out a few times to Goku for help to no avail. The three seemed to have a close friendship alongside casual sex, it seemed to feel norm to them as they were comfortable with each others company.

"But how, how long do we keep this a secret from them? what if they find out about Bulma, and how we got this place and-" Goku felt Vegeta's hand cover his mouth to cut him off, he raised his brows at Vegeta with anxious expression.

"Fuck sake, we have been over this! Bulma isn't going to say shit. Besides she won't be around when they are here. We tell them a friend had offered this place to us at an affordable rent, that's it, you don't need to go into too much detail about it." Vegeta moved his hand away from Goku's mouth. "how long we keep the fact we are a couple from them, that's up to you as you know I don't give a shit what they think."

Goku felt at ease as his eyes locked with Vegeta's, as he stared contently into his deep endless black eyes, he knew from that moment he had fallen for him as deep as the pitless black eyes. He felt his heart palpitate as he was lost into the endless darkness, a warmth comforting feeling travelled through his body reassuring him right then and there, he was going to be okay. He smiled as they both started to lean in for a kiss, they were abruptly interrupted by Bulma walking into the room singing loudly along to the radio. She laughed as they both gave her a look of disgust.

"Well, dinner is prepped for later, all you got to do it put it in the oven. You are both welcome by the way!" she tapped her foot resting her hands on her hips. "so much for helping."

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