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Walking to work the wintry mist cold upon Goku's skin. Sunlight cast colours on the monochrome street, the sky still dark with blueish tint. Very occasional bright lights would shine from oncoming traffic, barely a soul around other than those heading to work. It's peaceful, though bitterly cold, trail of footsteps echo behind as he continues to walk at a steady pace. Arriving into the office, he keeps his coat on for little longer to allow him to warm up. He's thankful the heating was on this early, usually it would only be on for short periods in the late afternoon. Sitting by his desk a cup of coffee is carefully placed next to him, he swivel his chair to face upwards. Yamcha stood there with a nervous grin, the new starter stood next to him.

"Sorry about dropping you in it the other day." Yamcha looked over at Goku apologetic.

Goku grabbed the coffee smiling, Yamcha had avoided him all day at work yesterday; only now had he plucked up the courage to talk to him. "It's okay, I should of just told her." He shrugged as he took sip of his coffee. "Thanks, I didn't have a chance to have one this morning, kinda overslept" he placed the coffee down and started to unzip his coat.

"You oversleeping? You coming down with something?" Yamcha raised a brow, he saw as Goku blushed quickly looking away. "Did you get any sleep?" He folded his arms grinning, there was an interrupting cough from the new starter. "Oh right, I forgot to introduce you to each other. Goku this is Tien"

Goku reached out to shake Tien's hand "so sorry about the other day." Remembering he was preoccupied on his phone purposely ignoring Chichi, he didn't think to introduce himself before.

"It's alright, seemed quite a domestic you were having." Tien smiled, he looked at Yamcha "I'm going to return to my desk now." He smiled over at Goku again before walking over to his desk.

Yamcha shook his head chuckling watching Tien walk away, "you and chichi did make a great first impression that's for sure."

Goku shrugged taking another sip of his coffee "he'll get used to the office drama"

"Yep, sooo...overslept huh?" Yamcha leaned his back against the desk folding his arms with a grin. Goku almost choked on his coffee looking up at Yamcha knowing he wasn't going to drop it.

Six exhausting hours passed, Goku was so glad soon as it was his time to clock out for the day. He swiftly put his coat on and headed out the office, Yamcha hurried along behind; Goku shook his head laughing at him. "Will you stop acting like a gossiping teen?"

"Aw, come on man. You can't just end it with 'just had sex' and not share the details. I always share details with you!" Yamcha nudged him in the arm.

"Yeah, that's voluntary and I don't even ask!" Goku nudged Yamcha back as they exited the building, Yamcha paused standing still, Goku furrowed his brows at him. "What's up with you?!"

"Look who's standing outside." Yamcha grinned pointing over at Vegeta "hey, if you won't tell me, maybe he will?" He grinned as he started to run over.

"Don'!" Goku ran after pulling on Yamcha's arm to try and stop him. Vegeta looked over with a confused look watching as Goku was pulling Yamcha back.

"Dare I even ask?" Vegeta quirked his brow at them both. Goku let go of Yamcha's arm before punching him giving Yamcha a stern look.

Yamcha ignored Goku's stern glare "So, heard you two were keeping each other awake last night" he chuckled as Goku shoved him out the way.

"What is this? Some playground? Are you two seriously acting like school girls over who got laid?" Vegeta shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Sorry, he's just being a nosey bastard." Goku glared at Yamcha who was laughing.

"Alright, I'll see you next week." Yamcha wiped tear from his eye from the laughing, as he started to walk off.

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