New line of work.

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Goku trudged among the pavement at a steady pace, his mind focused on the gentle footsteps that seemed to echo throughout the desolate street. His hands huddled into his thick coat as cool breeze brushed his cheeks and icy breath escaped through his lips. He hated the winter nights they seemed to last longer and he found it more depressing. Heading into the flat he walked up three flights of stairs where used needles were strewn and smell of urine quilted the corners of each landing, it was the norm he was used to seeing he turned a blind eye to it.He avoided using the lift as he timed it was actually quicker to climb the stairs, besides he didn't mind as it helped warm him up after walking through the cold nights.

Rustling in his pocket for his keys as he walked down the dark corridor, the only light that was working flickered just above his door. One of the neighbours who lived in the opposite room had heard him unlocking the door, they poked their head out seen it was Goku and abruptly went back in. Neighbours were used to seeing people walking in and out, they'd have a nose and tally how many had arrived and departures from their apartment.

It was obvious the line of work his room mate had, despite Goku's objections to have strangers walk in and out their place, it was only place that felt safe than meeting at random unknown areas. Goku carefully shut the door behind him, he hung up his keys and started to unzip his thick coat. Their doorway headed straight into their living space and kitchen, Vegeta was sat on the sofa typing away on the laptop with a pen in his mouth, he seemed pretty fixated on whatever it was he was doing. Goku rubbed his hands together to warm them up after hanging his coat, he walked into their open kitchen to put the kettle on.

He looked over seeing Vegeta still typing away, he caught a glance that it was his profile he was updating. He didn't really question much about Vegeta's work, he knew due to a previous conviction in the past it was harder for Vegeta to get a job. Struggling to pay off a debt from their teen years meant desperate times, whilst Goku worked in a mundane office Vegeta was getting paid to have sex. It was only way to keep roof over their heads, eat, and pay back the debt that they accumulated over the years of drug use. Goku made coffee for them both, he placed Vegeta's on the coffee table in front and sat next to him on the sofa. Vegeta removed the pen from his mouth and closed the laptop.

"How's work?" Vegeta asked as he reached for his coffee.

"Same shit, different day" goku shrugged as he took a sip of coffee, he looked over at Vegeta who was sat up on the corner of the sofa with his legs crossed. "You seemed busy on the laptop there"

"Just increasing the prices" he didn't specify further into it, he knew how uneasy it made Goku feel. He looked at his watch whilst sipping down his coffee.

Goku sighed, only times Vegeta would keep an eye on his watch like that was when he was due a client. It also explained why their place looked so pristine, not that Goku could complain it was nice coming home to a fresh smelling apartment than old takeaway rubbish laying around the place. Vegeta and him met through bad circumstances when in college, they hung around with the wrong crowd and got into drugs. As vegeta was pretty close to one of the dealers, he managed to wangle his way of promising to pay back later.

Now, in their late twenties still paying back what they owe as well as interest; they were threatened if they didn't start paying it back they'd be killed. Vegeta had been arrested for petty things such as theft to try help pay it all off. Both helped each other through rehab and chose to live together as Goku didn't want to see Vegeta end up in the streets.

They both sat in silence finishing off their coffee, before Vegeta headed off to have a shower. Goku washed the empty cups, he closed the curtains and grabbed his headphones that was left on the coffee table; obviously Vegeta had borrowed them. Goku rolled his eyes as he picked them up 'I should really get him his own' he muttered to himself. As he was about to head towards his bedroom there was a light tap on the door.

"Mind answering that for me!" Vegeta called out from the bathroom.

Goku felt his stomach tying in knots, he didn't really want to see any of the clients or even speak to them. He just wanted them to walk in, do their business and leave. He didn't want any small talk, that was Vegeta's job. He gulped, and slowly opened the door. There stood a middle aged woman with pale face, she was all glammed up and looked just as nervous. Goku welcomed her in and offered to hang her coat for her, he pointed over to the sofa for her to sit and wait. Vegeta walked in wearing a suit, obviously the clients request. He knew Vegeta wasn't in to women, but seemed they were pretty much into him and where most the money came from. Goku blushed a little as he quickly escorted himself into his room.

Vegeta headed over to the kitchen filling two glasses with wine, he sauntered towards his client offering her a glass. She nervously grabbed the glass and downed it. Vegeta raised a brow as he sat next to her. "We don't need to rush into things, can take it nice and slow" he placed his hand gently on her upper thigh. She bit her lip gazing into his eyes. "First time I take it?" He smirked as he placed his glass on the coffee table and leaned into her.

"Oh no...I'm married...lost my virginity years ago!" She blushed confessing, she felt her body shaking slightly.

"Mm, not quite what I meant. First time hiring someone? No need to be nervous, you can take the lead if you want" vegeta leaned in more smelling her perfume, it was a distinctive sweet smell, he gently pressed his lips on the nape of her neck. She pushed him back blushing. "Don't like that?"

"It's not that, it's just I thought I'd clarify why I hired you, my husband and I haven't been intimate I've been neglected for so long I can't remember what sex feels like and..." vegeta cut her off by placing his finger on her lips.

"I'm not here to listen to your life story, I'm here to satisfy you. Now shall we?" He rose to his feet offering his hand to her, she blushed deeply and grabbed his hand as she pulled herself up and followed him to his bedroom.

Goku lay on his bed kicking his shoes off, he plugged his headphones on turning the volume up to max with his play list on shuffle. He lay back staring at the wall, this was his routine day in, day out.

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