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Goku stumbled into the lounge passing Vegeta a cup of coffee, vegeta looked up to him smiling. It's been two weeks since the attack, they had been sleeping in the spare room as Vegeta couldn't stomach going back into their room. Even after Goku changed the bedding and rearranged it for him, it was too much for him he'd panic as soon as he stepped foot through the door. He was grateful he hadn't had any clients booked, giving him a chance to heal; vegeta would flinch at any certain contact. Goku managed to hug and kiss him in bed by slowly approaching him first, knowing Vegeta felt safe in his presence he didn't want to push it further.Vegeta wasn't one to show his raw emotions usually, which made Goku feel special, knowing how much he was trusted to see that different side. He'd help Vegeta sleep by holding him close, allowing him to cry, wiping his tears away. He didn't mention or question his crying as Vegeta appreciated that, he hated showing that vulnerable side, not even his parents had the privilege to see it. Yet with Goku he knew he wouldn't be judged, or laughed at. He didn't have to hide back his emotions, even when he had tried, Goku would see right through them.

Goku arched his back whilst stretching out his arms, feeling his muscles tense up as he done so. He let out a yawn scratching the back of his head. "I'm finishing work early today." He smiled over at Vegeta whilst rubbing away his tired eyes.

"Right?" Vegeta took a sip of his coffee.

"Just wondering, you fancy meeting up? We could take a walk and pick something up along the way?" Goku watched as Vegeta quirked his brow at him with a grin.

"Is that you asking me on a date?" Vegeta took another sip of coffee glancing over as Goku bit his lip whilst nodding. "Sure."

Goku smiled lovingly toward Vegeta, Vegeta smiled back his smile so infectious. "I'll see you outside work then." His smile widened watching as Vegeta took sip of his coffee, he looked relaxed which was a change from being tense since that night. Goku started to walk out the room, he paused and spun on his heel to face Vegeta again. "Oh, and I love you!"

Vegeta grinned holding his cup of coffee, he looked over at Goku who stood awaiting a response. "I know" he replied as he winked taking another sip of his coffee.

Goku could feel his cheeks glowing red, he quickly left the room to grab his coat. Fighting his urge to squeal in contentment. He felt like a teenager finding out their crush liked them back, his heart fluttered when he saw Vegeta wink at him; it turned him on a little.He knew they were taking things slow, allowing Vegeta time get over the ordeal. Already Vegeta was starting to be more flirty back, the urge to take him was getting stronger. Goku bit on his lip, as he zipped his coat up hearing Vegeta call out to him to behave and not to talk to strangers in a patronising tone. He was healing, and his attitude was slowly coming back too.


Afternoon rolled in, Vegeta was stood waiting outside Goku's work. He watched as commuters passed by on a rush, heels echoing on the uneven paths behind them, smells of freshly baked foods mixed with fresh coffee aromas coated the street, ambience of cars, and people talking polluted the air. Those few minutes waiting outside, he felt like a nobody; everyone avoided eye contact so fixated on getting back to work. Like a trail of ants heading back to the nest, following the same dead end path day in day out. With all the shit going on in his life, not one of these beings would be aware. He felt himself questioning the harsh reality of life, till a light tap on his shoulder awoken him back into the present. He looked back seeing the affection on Goku's face, he smiled as he felt Goku wrap his arms around him, engulfed in his love, comfort, reassurance. This was his life, his world, his reason. walking towards the arcade hand in hand, laughing, joking just how they used to. After they played on some of the machines, they headed towards a small cafe. That was tucked away in a built up area, homely smells welcomed them in.Each time Vegeta felt Goku rest his arm around him, he felt warm, Goku had become his security blanket, he lapped up every touch, every scent, every looks. As they sat opposite one another eating their food, subtle loving glances left them blushing, Vegeta came to realise just how much he trusts this man, not just with his body, but with his mind, and his soul.

"Thanks for today." Vegeta smiled hugging into Goku's arm as they headed back home.

Goku smiled his heart skipped a beat as he felt his stomach doing somersaults, he felt as though he was falling in love all over again. He unlocked the door with Vegeta still attached to his arm. "I'm just happy to see you smiling again." He looked over his shoulder as Vegeta had let go of his arm to close the door behind them.

"I think it's time we move back into our room." Vegeta gave Goku a serious look. Goku nodded holding out his hand to him, Vegeta squeezed tightly following him up to their bedroom.

"Are you sure about this?" Goku kept hold of Vegeta's hand, he slowly opened the door to their bedroom.

Vegeta let go and took a step forward, he felt a lump in his throat as he looked around. He recalled how his body had jolted at the harsh intrusions and blows to his body, remembering how the pain seared through his skin, taking away every feeling of safety he had. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath before stepping further into the room. Slowly he opened his eyes as he felt himself closer to the bed, he gently rested his fingertips on the mattress feeling it resist against his pressure. He looked over at Goku who looked on worryingly, he smiled reassuringly as he sat down on the bed. He went back to where it happened, wanting to take away the power of that painful memory; proving to himself he can move on.

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