Truth hurts

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Goku glanced over at the digital clock.3am he whined in protest he'd seen every waking hour, his thoughts kept pulling him back to the blog. He felt embarrassed granted no names were mentioned but he knew exactly who it was about. Something so intimate now been read by so many people, he heard a grunt from Vegeta, he looked over seeing him break out in sweat, wincing as his body trembling, another nightmare. Staring at the wall in front he let out a sigh gently placing his hand on Vegeta's chest, he found that would soothe him from his terror. Sure enough, Vegeta's body started to relax, his breathing slowly going back to normal. Goku looked over watching as Vegeta's face went back to a tranquil state. He laid to his side studying Vegeta's face, his thumb gently brushed his lips, he could tell he was hiding something from him. Even though he felt some hurt as he had wrote about something so personal, he knew it wasn't meant to be read out for other prying eyes. He watched as Vegeta's eyes slowly started to open, they closed then abruptly opened again, he smiled over at him which left a tingling sensation through his body.

"Did I wake you?" Vegeta yawned rubbing his eyes as he glanced over at the clock behind Goku. He knew Goku would wake up at any sudden movement, on alert for any nightmares he may have.

"I was already awake." Goku brushed side of Vegeta's face pulling his body closer to his. "I can't stop thinking about that stupid blog."

Vegeta rolled his eyes, he grabbed Goku's hand from side of his face looking at him with serious expression. "We will sort it."

"No doubt we will, it's just..." Goku sighed looking away from Vegeta. " I'm not sure if I can face people in work, no doubt some will know about that awkward moment."

"Only if you let them believe that, look at me." Vegeta rested palm of his hand side of Goku's face, Goku looked back into his eyes, their eyes locked into each other's. "It will get sorted. I promise." He pulled Goku closer to him, their lips collided for rough kiss. Vegeta felt as gentle hands glided down his body, as they began travelling lower, he broke from the kiss, he felt tightness in his chest as he pushed Goku's hands back.

Goku gave him a concerned look, he watched as Vegeta slowly took deep breaths to calm himself down. "Sorry."

Vegeta sighed he rolled on his back staring at the ceiling. "You don't have anything to be sorry for."  He turned his head to the side watched as Goku sat up giving him a worrying look. He grabbed Goku's hand not breaking eye contact he slowly guided his hand down between his legs. He bit his lip as he froze, he noticed how Goku was more fixated on him rather than where he was guiding his hand. "I love you." Vegeta let go of Goku's hand, he pulled Goku in for a kiss, he let out a quiet moan as he felt his cock being rubbed. He panted in between their rough kiss feeling his cock harden at the touch, they gazed into each others eyes for a few seconds before pulling in for a deeper, sensual kiss.


Sat on the sofa there was an awkward atmosphere, Goku looked over as his father and brother were stood looking back at him. Adele stood behind them with an awkward smile, she noticed Vegeta glaring over at her causing her to gulp and look over at the clock. Just turned 6pm, her journey was just as awkward as she had to listen to lecture how she had to fix her attitude, how she upset her mother for simply telling her to fuck off.

"I'll be picking her up on Monday morning, for now she's your problem." Bardock glared over at Adele from over his shoulder.

Vegeta gripped bridge of his nose. "Wait, so she's staying here for two nights?!"

Goku gulped as he felt Vegeta glaring at him, he kept his glance over his father. "That's fine." He rested his hand on Vegeta's lap as he could tell Vegeta was about to open his mouth in protest.

Raditz raised a brow seeing Goku resting his hand on Vegeta's lap. He exchanged looks with his father before lighting pushing Adele towards Goku. "Have fun." He grinned as she glared up at him before she looked over seeing Vegeta scowling at her. Bardock left with Raditz leaving an awakened silence.

Goku looked over at Vegeta before he changed his focus on Adele. "You have some explaining to do." He gave her a stern look watching as she pulled out the notepad handing it back to Goku, keeping her stare on Vegeta. "Why did you do it?!"

"Oh my god! Do you guys know how many people who pay to read something so open and honest like that?! I'm doing you a favour!" She folded her arms looking over at the fireplace ignoring their glares.

"Doing me a favour?! Do you have any idea what you've fucking done?!" Vegeta snarled as she kept staring at the fireplace, he snatched Goku's hand away as Goku tried to calm him. "You've not only risked my identity but my clients! Meaning I could lose work, those are very personal not for others to fucking read!"

"Then why write it down?!" Adele spat shaking her head at him as she threw her hands in the air. "Have you seen how many have interacted with it?! No names are mentioned!"

"You have no rights to reading my shit and posting it out there!" Vegeta rose to his feet about to lunge forward, he felt Goku push him back.

"Vegeta, this isn't how we are going to resolve this!" Goku glared over at Vegeta, causing Vegeta to push him back glaring.

"Who's side are you on?! That little bitch" he pointed directly at Adele. "Has posted personal shit all over the fucking internet!"

"No names are mentioned!" Adele snapped back.

"It doesn't matter! Your cousin read it and could tell which part was about him!" Vegeta snapped back ignoring Goku's glares at him. "Take it fucking down!"

"What?!" Adele furrowed her brows. "I'm trying to help!"

"Then help and fucking remove it you absolute brat!" Vegeta snarled feeling himself getting more irked by her reaction.

Goku pulled Vegeta back. "That's enough." He looked back seeing Adele taken back by what he called her. "Adele, he didn't mean it..."

"Yes!" Vegeta pushed Goku off him "yes I fucking did! You are nothing but a little brat causing eruptions with your family! Sticking your nose where it's not needed, running away if things don't go your way!"

Adele broke down in tears and ran off towards the spare room. Goku glared over watching Vegeta sit down rubbing his temples. "Was that necessary?!" He looked towards where Adele ran. "She's upset now, you went too far."

"Truth hurts." Vegeta leaned back folding his arms, he shook his head as Goku kept his glare on him. "Don't look at me like that! You think the same."

"I can't believe you right now!" Goku started to walk towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Vegeta quirked his brow over at him. He gritted his teeth as Goku ignored him calling out for Adele. He shook his head rolling his eyes. No way was he going to apologise nor feel sorry for what he said.

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