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Time flowed like cement. Goku glanced at the clock, a minute had passed since he last check and hour ago, or so it seemed. The rest of the office was quiet except for the click clacks of keyboards and occasional cough from a colleague. Goku sat there with nothing else to do, it was excruciatingly dull. He tapped his pen on the desk, just to break the silence of the room. Chichi glanced over seeing the boredom on his face, she looked around the office before scooting her chair close to him. They had started to get along again, which helped with the awkwardness that they had between them; it made work a little more bearable.

"What you up to this weekend?" Chichi asked out of boredom.

"I've got my cousin staying with us, so that'll be fun trying to keep her nose out of Vegeta's stuff." Goku started to twirl his pen between his fingers, fixated at the clock. "Is it just me, or is time more slower today?"

Chichi glanced over at the clock and sighed. "Nope, not just you."

"You know that saying about dying of boredom? I think I'm actually feeling close to that." Goku smiled over at Chichi as he stretched his arms in hope it would awaken his body.

"Should we have some coffee?" Chichi suggested fighting back a yawn.

Goku leaned back on his chair swivelling side to side. "If I drink any more I'd be needing a toilet break every five seconds"

"Hm, but that would kill time?" Chichi grinned at him reaching out to grab his cup. "I'll do this coffee round, you can do that next." She rolled her eyes seeing Yamcha pop round smiling at her. "Urgh, I'll make you one too! How long were you lingering in that corner for?!" She shook her head as she collected his cup and walked over to the break out area.

"You two are getting more friendly." Yamcha leaned against Goku's desk.

"Yeah guess so." Goku shrugged looking up at Yamcha. "Need someone to talk to when sat here staring at the same screen."

"I see." Yamcha grinned catching Chichi glancing over at Goku, she blushed as she noticed Yamcha watching. "I think she still likes you."

"I don't think she likes me the way you are thinking." Goku quirked his brow at Yamcha before turning over to glance back at the clock.

"You know, the more you look at it the more it'll drag ." Yamcha folded his arms staring absently at the wall behind.

Chichi approached them both holding cups of coffee for herself and Goku, she coughed causing both men to snap out of their daydreaming. She placed Goku's cup of coffee on the desk as she looked over at Yamcha. "Yours is in the breakout area." Yamcha swiftly left to get his coffee leaving her alone with Goku again. As she sat down placing her coffee on her desk, she looked over at Goku before looking around the room. Confident no one else was around within earshot, she slowly scooted up to Goku. "So some of the girls were talking in the breakout area, there's this recent blog that's gone live and already drawing in attention." She sighed noticing Goku not really paying attention as he sipped his coffee glancing at the clock. She tapped him on the arm to grab his attention. "Has Vegeta started a blog know what?" Her cheeks began to glow red from asking the question.

"What are you talking about?" Goku looked at her dumbfound. He watched as she leaned back on her chair furrowing her brows at him.

"It just that, there's certain things on there that sounded oddly familiar to what I've heard you tell Yamcha in the past." She looked around the room watching as some colleagues started to head back to their desk. "I'll message you the link so you can glance yourself."  She swiftly moved back to her desk sipping her coffee whilst scrolling through her phone and glancing over at Goku in between.

Goku sighed pulling his phone out, he glanced back at Chichi before clicking on the link she had just messaged him. Chichi stared to look busy awaiting for Goku to browse. Goku knitted his brows together whilst sipping on his coffee, he slowly scrolled down glancing at the titles of each post. One particular caught his attention that caused him to spit out his coffee. He placed the cup down on the desk, biting down on his lip as his cheeks filled crimson colour. He gave Chichi a quick glance before looking back at one particular post. It mentioned about an awkward blow job from a person who never done it before, and how the next encounter with that person was just as awkward. "Fuck sake!" Goku slammed his phone down looking back at the clock.

Returning home, he lazily threw his coat to the side approaching the lounge. He let out an exasperated sigh as he opened the door, seeing Vegeta on his laptop with a pen in his mouth as he was deep in concentration. Vegeta looked over from corner of his eyes, as Goku closed the door loudly behind him, to make Vegeta aware of his presence. He pulled the pen out of his mouth and smiled over. "How's work?" Vegeta asked studying Goku's glare, he quirked a brow. "Something happened?"

"Why the fuck did you post about something so intimate between us? Not just that but about your other awkward encounters?" Goku rested his hands on his hips awaiting for response, he put emphasis on the word awkward to drop subtle hint.

"The fuck are you rambling about?!" Vegeta furrowed his brows as him as Goku leaned on the arm of the sofa.

"Don't play dumb Vegeta, I haven't mentioned about the first know...of course you know." Goku could feel his cheeks heating up.

Vegeta gave Goku a perplexed look. "No, I don't know."

Goku furrowed his brows, he could see Vegeta looking just as surprised and confused as he is. "I think you need to have a look." He looked at Vegeta's laptop before back at Vegeta. "May I?" Vegeta shrugged passing him his laptop, Goku took a deep breath as he searched for the blog. It wasn't hard to find ,with being called 'awkward list of fucks'. He handed the laptop back watching as Vegeta placed a pen in his mouth as he scrolled through, taking his time to read his mouth opened allowing the pen to drop.

"The fuck is this?!"  Vegeta gritted his teeth as he continued to scroll through.

"That was exactly my reaction."  He raised his brow seeing Vegeta looking agitated as he continued to read through. "Well if you didn't do it, who did? Because I haven't told anyone about that."

Vegeta shook his head slamming his laptop down. "Oh, I have an inkling who." Vegeta threw his head back covering his eyes with his hand. "What's on that blog is exactly what I've wrote."

"Why would you write that?" Goku furrowed his brows watching as vegeta pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I get bad days with work too you know, I used it as something to look back at remembering that it's not always as bad. That there's some moments that you can't help but cringe and laugh at." Vegeta shrugged seeing the judgmental look from Goku. "Sorry, but you're face as I panicked when the door knocked. causing my cock to hit back of your throat, will always be my favourite. That and first time you tried to swallow." He grinned watching Goku shook his head his cheeks lit more crimson. His grin soon changed realising that the personal stuff he wrote about his clients was now on the internet, for the world to see.

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