An offer.

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Another weekend flown by fast, and there Goku was sat in the office staring at the monitor whilst filing paper work. There was cacophony of shredding, printing and typing echoing throughout the building; with the odd dry cough from one of the colleagues.During his fifteen minute break, he started to rearrange his pens and paper on the desk, ensuring they were squared and spaced properly. Yamcha who was sat at the desk opposite leaned over his chair.

"You know I'll just mess that up again when you aren't looking right?" Yamcha smiled mischievously at Goku.

Goku smiled half heartedly focusing on his stationary "that's fine" he sighed "suppose it'll keep me preoccupied" he looked up the clock watching as the hands were moving painfully slow.

Yamcha looked over, he noticed Goku wasn't himself. "Hey man, everything okay?" He tapped his shoulder from behind.

Goku looked over and gave an abrupt nod before looking back at the clock. "Just haven't slept well" really he was fed up with work, he found the tasks so tedious. He couldn't afford looking for another job at the moment.

"Ha, how many clients did he bring home in total?" Yamcha smirked rubbing his hands awaiting for gossip to fall out of Goku's mouth.

Goku turned to face Yamcha with a stern look "you know, if he could he would  do something else rather than sell himself. It's not what you may believe it's like, I've witnessed the exhaustion, the stress, and the pain it's put his body through" he stated matter of factly.

Yamcha little taken back by what Goku had said "but it's good pain and exhaustion, am I right?" He had a slight grin.

Goku shook his head in disbelief "I don't want to talk about that stuff any more, just drop it" Goku started back on his paper filing.

"No need to be so snappy! Geez!" Yamcha rolled his eyes as he too went back to his work.

Back at the apartment Vegeta had a new client he hadn't seen before.the blue haired woman wearing revealing black dress introduced herself as Bulma. They were sat on the sofa going through paper work, Bulma signed them before handing over the cash. Vegeta noticed her designer bag, and examined the jewellery she was wearing. Bulma watched Vegeta study her which caused her to giggle.

"What's a person who's clearly loaded with money, doing around here?" Vegeta leaned in closer to her resting his hand on top of her knee.

Bulma blushed placing her hand on top of his "because I've been told stories about a male worker who isn't afraid to do anything the client requests. I'm too busy for a relationship right now, so just looking for a mindless fuck" she opened her legs allowing Vegeta to slowly glide his hand to her inner thigh.

Goku had finished for the day. He started to pack his things and put his coat on. ChiChi waited for him outside, she smiled nervously as he looked over at her and smiled back at her. They started to walk together in the bitter cold, she'd glance over every now and again at him. As they were about to walk the opposite direction, ChiChi pulled lightly on Goku's elbow, he looked at her a little lost. ChiChi would usually hurl insults at him and Yamcha, but tonight she seemed like a different person.

"So uh...I was wondering Goku, if you'd like to go on a date sometime?" She blushed handing him a piece of paper with her phone number.

Goku looked down at her, he wasn't sure if he felt the same way about her. Not wanting to upset her, he smiled and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Sure, I'll text you later or something" he waved at her as he then continued to walk opposite direction.

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