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A.N: Going to be doing this chapter mostly Vegeta's pov, though I do tend to switch to both on all the chapters, I Just think it be a bit of a change than an office scene. It may get cringe, and I'm not even sorry. I think it also helps to show different sides to the characters than what they are like around each other, because we are human and I believe we all have different personality based on who we are with. Also, I'm an odd individual whose watched documentaries and read books from retired sex workers. The stories they've shared about clients always made me cringe and laugh. So there, now I've let you know where some inspiration has come from -enjoy!


Goku traipsed around the kitchen making both him and Vegeta coffee, whilst getting himself ready for work. He took a long gratifying stretch arching his back ,widening his arms, his muscles slowly awakening up ready for the monotonous day ahead. He trudged over towards Vegeta who was sat on the sofa fixated on his laptop, not wanting to disturb him, Goku gently placed Vegeta's cup of coffee on the table before heading off into his room whilst drinking his coffee. Vegeta glanced at the cup that was placed in front of him before staring back at his laptop,scrolling through his emails, pen in his mouth as he opened his diary. Things were slowly picking up again, he already had a few clients booked in for one day. His phone by his side had lit up with a text from Bulma, he quickly scanned over the message from corner of his eye.

Hey, have you made your mind up about the offer? Xx

"Shit!" Pen fell out his mouth, as realisation hit him.Thanks to drama from Chichi,he had forgot to mention the house offer to Goku. "Babe!" he called out causing Goku to peep his head out from his bedroom, open-mouthed by what Vegeta had just called him.

"What is it?!" Goku leaned against the door way putting on his shoes.

"I forgot to tell you something , thanks to that bitch ex of yours and her drama" Vegeta placed his laptop down on the coffee table, picking up his drink and looked over at Goku. "Bulma has offered us a place, it's secluded so no nosy neighbours, and we don't have to pay anything." He took a sip of his coffee looking over at the perplexed expression from Goku's face. "You know, the woman we had a threesome with?" He grinned seeing the realisation hit Goku's face.

"W-whats the catch?" Goku's voice broke as he grabbed his coat. Feeling uneasy about such generosity.

"Just some casual sex" vegeta shrugged taking another sip of his coffee. "Think about it, more money in our pockets as we won't be having to pay rent anymore."

Goku zipped his coat up "we will have to talk about this after I've returned from work..."

Vegeta could see the uncertainty plastered across Goku's face. Vegeta followed Goku to the door, pulling him in for a kiss. "Just think, it'll help us out a lot, less stress." Soft lips planted firmly on each other's.

Goku pulled back, he smiled brushing his thumb over Vegeta's lips. "I'll think about it, okay?" He said in a soft tone and planted a kiss on Vegeta's forehead before heading off to work.

Vegeta looked at his watch and heaved a sigh, he was due new clients in an hours time; he made haste towards the bathroom to get himself ready. An hour passed by, he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror and chuckled to himself. All this fuss getting cleaned, clothed, change bedding for something that'll end up having to redo afterwards. A light knock echoed the apartment, Vegeta answered allowing young couple to walk in. Vegeta eyed them up and down as they steadily walked in, the man was medium built, mousy hair with clean shaven face. The woman was slim, wearing a short dress showing off her pale naked legs, hair medium length. She noticed Vegeta's glances and smiled nervously. Vegeta offered them both a drink to break the tension as he had them follow him onto the sofa. They sat down, watching as Vegeta grabbed a file alongside his diary and sat next to them. They started to take sips of their drinks, whilst vegeta scanned through his diary clicking his tongue.
"Right." Vegeta stared at a page with the booking quirking a brow with a smirk, their fetish was cuckholding; it had been a while since Vegeta had dealt with this fetish before. He could tell they were both relatively new to this. "An hour and a half huh? Think you can last that long?" Vegeta looked at the couple.

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