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Fingers tapping the keys on the keyboard at a fast pace, leaving satisfying clicking sounds, smell of fresh printed paper laid straight on the desk awaiting to be stapled. ambient noises of the office seemed to drown out as the typing continued. Goku had immersed himself into his work for first time in a while, gliding his hand over to the mouse recollection of last night slipped into his mind. He bit hard on his lip continuing on with his work, doing his best to shake off the memoir of the three-way. Mental images flashed through his mind, mix feelings flooded in. Yamcha leaned over Goku's desk to borrow a pen, he noticed the vacant expression on Goku's face. He placed his hand on Goku's shoulder that caused Goku to flinch recalling Vegeta massaging him whilst he was being sucked off by a client. Yamcha swiftly moved his hand back surprised from the reaction.

"wow, what's up with you?" Yamcha looked at his colleague with brooding eyes, he crouched down to Goku's level. "you know you can talk to me right?"

Goku quirked his eyebrow with an etched expression, he looked at Yamcha who was crouched by his office chair "what do you want? I'm actually rather busy!"

Yamcha looked over at the monitor screen then back at Goku tight-lipped, he rose back to his feet. "mind if I borrow a pen?"

"you mean, mind if you can 'borrow' a pen that you never return?...sure help yourself" Goku passed Yamcha a pen from his drawer, he then went back to typing on the keyboard.

Yamcha knitted his brow as he watched Goku for few seconds "wana hang out after work for few drinks?" he tucked the pen behind his ear as he waited a response.

Goku not breaking his focus from his work "only if you leave me to concentrate on my work" of course a drink or two later may help clear his thoughts, right?

Yamcha nodded "alright, see you later then" he spun on his heel and walked over to his desk.

Goku looked over seeing Yamcha back at his desk, he looked around seeing no managers around he quickly pulled out his phone from the drawer. He felt his heart palpitate as he started to text on his phone, he reread it once, twice, perhaps sixth? he wasn't sure;before sending the message. He placed the phone face down on the desk tapping his fingers nervously.

Vegeta replying to one of the clients email, noticed a text notification pop up. Pausing what he was doing he opened the text, he read the text pursed lips, before quickly replying. He rubbed his temples as he went back to the email.

Hey, I wnt be home till l8r I'm going out for few drinks. Hope you dnt mind...

Goku checked his phone and saw he already had a response.

I don't know why you sent me this, fool? You're a grown ass adult!

Goku sighed with relief, he felt warm feeling seeing Vegeta put a kiss end of his text. He swiftly placed his phone back in the drawer, and went back into his work ;staring at the monitor screen contently.

End of shift, Goku waited for Yamcha to grab his stuff. Yamcha put his coat on and started to head out with Goku following behind. Chichi waiting outside saw both them heading out together, she strutted herself over in front of them. "What you two up to then?" She looked at them both up at down as both men looked at each other smiling nervously rubbing back of their heads.

"Just going for few drinks, more than welcome to join" Yamcha hoped she'd decline, he felt he should invite her otherwise they'd not hear end of it.

"And listen to you talk about sex? I'll pass!" She pouted, before walking off. Annoyed that Goku wasn't going to be walking with her back home.

"Fuck, she's pissed!" Yamcha nudged Goku laughing "you'll have to make it up to her" he winked as they both started walking towards local bar.

Back at the apartment, Vegeta was laid on his bed with female client riding on top. He rested his hands on her waist allowing her to take control. She bit her lip seductively before she paused looking down at him.

"You gonna cum yet?" she licked her lips smiling down at him before starting to bounce on his cock again.

A bit stricken by what she had asked and doing his best to keep a straight face he responded with "uh, no we've not long started."

"oh" she rocked her hips back and forth trying to look seductive at him "how about now?"

Looking up at her dumbfounded "no?" he could see her trying her hardest to try and be seductive. It wasn't working, she pulled expressions that looked as if she was trying to sneeze as well as having trapped wind. It was not a sexy look what so ever, and it was getting rather difficult for him to not laugh at her.

"mn, I bet you are close though?!" she winked continuing to ride him, putting her best effort in despite her starting to get tired out.

Vegeta looked up at the ceiling before raising his hips and planting his feet down on the mattress. He looked back at her now confused look "let me help" with that he started to thrust into her fast and hard, high pitched moans escaped from her now gaped mouth. "Are you going to cum yet?" he gave her a deadpan expression whilst continuing to thrust into her.

"uhn not yet" she panted

Vegeta raised her hip so just his tip was touching her entrance before slamming her down "hm, how about now?" he grinned seeing her look at him annoyed.

Sat by the bar which was a little away from the obnoxious music was blasting, Goku and Yamcha were sat having a few shots. Yamcha looked over seeing Goku sigh with a doleful expression.

"So, what's going on?" Yamcha chirped up offering Goku another round of shots. Goku declined, he looked at Yamcha with serious look.

"If I tell you something, you promise it stays between you and me?" He kept his stare on Yamcha, not even blinking as he was about to open up something that he hadn't told anyone else. Yamcha mimed sealing his lips before ordering a pint for them both. As their drinks were placed in front of them, Yamcha started to take a mouthful. "So, I'm having feelings for someone and last night we had sex"

Yamcha spat out his drink "shit, best not let Chichi find that out! who's the lucky lady?"

Goku blushed, he pursed his lips "um, that's the other thing. It's a guy" he took a sip from his drink watching as Yamcha's mouth was opening and closing struggling to think what to say. He didn't want to mention about the threesome, that would be too embarrassing and he knew Yamcha wouldn't be able to keep that quiet.

"Is it, that room mate of yours?" Yamcha watched Goku awaiting for any give away.

"no...no way! he's my close friend I would never.." Goku's face and body went taut as he laughed a little before taking and sip of his drink.

"Well I mean, I only ask cos I know not only is he a sex worker but I know how close you two are, and his preference?" Yamcha watched Goku choke on his drink "it is him, fuck how much did you pay? did you get a discount or something?" he began to chuckle.

"it..it wasn't him alright?! this is serious, I never thought or looked at men like that yet... I loved it." he blushed whilst he confessed.

Yamcha jumped back a little "wow, don't tell me you are attracted to me too?!"

Goku shook his head as he finished his drink "I don't know, depends how much more I drink"

Yamcha laughed punching Goku in the arm. "so, you going to tell this dude how you feel?"

"I don't think he feels the same way, I don't want things to become awkward ya know?" he looked at Yamcha with an etched expression.

"you know. I wouldn't of taken you as someone who liked cheeky bum sex, that and your drug use in the past, really are full of surprises" he grinned wickedly seeing Goku blush deeply before punching Yamcha in the arm.


Bet you can tell when I've had a decent sleep compared to when I haven't. Simply by the way I write. I'm sure you can all forgive me if it sometimes isn't consistent ...right?
Love ya ;)

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