Following day.

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Vegeta's heavy eye lids slowly opened, he looked around the room taking in his surroundings. He winced in pain he tried to move, Goku entered the room watching as Vegeta winced struggling to sit himself up properly. He rushed over placing glass of water on the bedside table, he had Vegeta lean forward slightly as he prompt the pillows up behind him slowly helping Vegeta to lean against them.

Vegeta sighed looking up at Goku. "Thought you had work?"

Goku smiled hearing Vegeta's voice going back to normal again. "I'm not going to work, I'm not leaving you like this. You scared me last night!"

"I'm fine." Vegeta winced as he coughed, feeling as though his insides would burst.

"Vegeta, this is me you are talking to!" Goku passed the glass of water over to him. "Can you recall what happened?"

Vegeta looked at the glass of water before back at Goku. "They poured water on me" he furrowed his brows studying the glass of water again. "I think they raped me..." tears formed as he handed the glass of water back to Goku.

Goku placed the water down leaning towards Vegeta. "It's okay." He stroked side of Vegeta's face.

"Why are you here? Why are you pretending to care?!" Vegeta moved Goku's hand from off his face as he glared at him.

"Because I do care, Vegeta, I love you." Goku watched as Vegeta bit his lip, his eyes brows knitted together as he stared deeply into Goku's eyes.

Vegeta looked away as Goku leaned more into him. "You left me, you left me when I told you I couldn't...and now, look what happened!" Tears formed as he gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry, and I will tell you sorry every day if I have to. You have every rights to be upset with me. I'm upset with myself."  Goku sighed he gave Vegeta a doleful expression. "I'll understand if you hate me."

Vegeta bit his lip he studied Goku's face, his heart beat increased, his stomach fluttered. "Kiss me."

Goku looked raised his brows a little taken back. "What?"

"Please." Vegeta's voice broke as tears formed he looked straight into Goku's eyes, feeling himself lost in them.

Goku leaned in slowly, their lips hovered as they stared into each other eyes. Goku's lips planted so soft on Vegeta's, his hand cupped Vegeta's cheek. Their kiss so slow, as they tasted and embraced their soft lips touching each other. Their tongues slowly brushed against each other. Vegeta pulled him in closer, as he cupped his hand on Goku's cheek. They felt a spark ignite inside them as their kiss started to get unsteady, their lips making smacking noises each time they met. Vegeta pulled back, they both stared deeply into each others eyes.

"I love you, I've missed this." Vegeta confessed as he stroked side of Goku's cheek before pulling him in for a kiss, their kiss got more rough. Goku leaned more into him, he jumped back as he heard Vegeta wince out in pain. Vegeta gave Goku a reassuring smile before gritting his teeth. "I'm okay."

"No, no you are not okay!" Goku wiped his tears away. "You are covered in marking, you are in pain, and you can't recall much of what happened!"

"Yeah and it's stings to piss, so they've done a pretty decent job." Vegeta chuckled a little before wincing in pain again.

"Vegeta." Goku stared over at him.

"Yes?" Vegeta stared back cradling his stomach.

"Can we...I want to..." he felt himself get flustered, he felt as Vegeta pulled him in for a kiss ignoring his pains as he forced his tongue into Goku's to explore his wet mouth before pulling back. Goku bit his lip as his cheeks filled with crimson. "I need you like a heart needs a beat..."

Vegeta chuckled before wincing slightly. "What the fuck are you waffling about?"

"The last week killed me, I fought myself from just crawling into bed and cuddling you in our sleep. I made a stupid mistake, well...I guess we both did. Seeing you like that last night, I felt your pain, your fear...god...Vegeta I can't imagine my life without you in it!" Goku felt himself getting more flustered he bit his lip watching as Vegeta quirked a brow at him. "What I'm trying to say is, I'd love for us to settle down...some point in the future..."

Vegeta grinned fighting back his laughter. "Settle down? What like a married...oh..." his eyes widened looking at Goku's serious expression. "Goku I-"

"Yeah, I thought it was a bit stupid. Ignore me." He laughed nervously as he rose to his feet. "I'm going to get you something to eat"

Vegeta blushed slightly, he then looked back at the glass of water. Flash backs of yesterday came flooding in, he felt himself break out in cold sweat. He called out for Goku, who quickly rushed in seeing Vegeta panic. "Fuck, fuck!!!"

"Vegeta, what's wrong?" Goku rushed over to him with concerned expression.

"They raped me, but the worse part is, the fuckers shoved a rod down my pisshole! Do you know how much I charge to do that to others?! Why the fuck would someone want that? Why?! Fuck!" He winced and looked over as Goku glared at him. "Don't look at me like that.

"I know this is just some front you are putting on Vegeta. What else do you remember?" Goku sat down holding Vegeta's hand, Vegeta felt a lump in his throat, he knew Goku could see right through him. He knew he could open up to him, he broke down in tears, Goku pulled him close to him. "Shh, it's okay."

"They threatened me, they want us to continue paying..." vegeta wiped his tears feeling embarrassed as he pushed Goku back.

"Babe, I'm not here to judge you. You can cry, what they done to you was awful." Goku pulled Vegeta in for a hug. They both sat hugging each other, feeling and listening to each other's heart beat.

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