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Chichi staggered out the room, her mouth felt dry, her head hurting, and strong nausea feeling in her stomach. She had slept in her clothes which didn't help her hungover feeling. Her stomach in tight knots, churning at any slight movement or smells;She could smell bacon which churned her stomach more. The aromas travelled from the open kitchen she glanced at Vegeta who was in his jeans and loose top; he glanced over back letting out a chuckle.

"How's your head?" Vegeta walked over to her handing her a bacon sandwich. He grinned as she glared at him before snatching the sandwich off him and sat down to eat. "I could of not bothered feeding you and had you leave right away." Vegeta folded his arms watching as she devoured the sandwich, surprisingly it was helping settle her stomach. Vegeta walked back towards the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

Chichi wiped sides of her mouth embarrassed how fast she demolished it. "Thank you..." she reluctantly said looking over as Vegeta handed her a glass of water.

"Whatever, just keep your fluids up" Vegeta sat on the arm of the sofa watching as she gulped the water down. "If I were you, I'd start by taking small sips" he tutted as he grabbed the now empty glass from Chichi. There was a clank from the door as it started to unlock from the outside, both Chichi and Vegeta looked over watching as Goku stumbled in starting to take his coat off.

"I didn't sleep well so decided to-" Goku paused as he noticed Chichi sat on the sofa with Vegeta on the edge. "What have I missed?" He closed the front door and hung his coat up, aromas of bacon still travelling through the apartment. He eyed the pair up and down sensing the now awkward atmosphere between them.

"She dragged her drunken ass here last night, looking for you." Vegeta rose to his feet looking down at Chichi.

Chichi looked over at Goku ignoring Vegeta's stare, she gave him a doleful expression. "I'm so sorry, last night we done stuff, it ended up in the bedroom"

Vegeta glared down at her "excuse me? You are implying that we did more than foreplay!" He looked back at Goku who shook his head in disbelief and started to rub his temples.

Chichi swiftly rushed towards Goku wrapping her arms around him "I'd understand if you can't forgive him, but I could of warned you about it. He sleeps with people how could he make you happy?" She glanced over at Vegeta.

"What the fuck?!" Goku pushed chichi off him, he glared over at them both. "Is this some sort of sick game between you?!"

"That bitch" vegeta pointed sharply towards Chichi "is over exaggerating! She offered to pay me which I declined. All I done was give her a finger bang." He laughed watching as chichi winced in embarrassment.

"What?!...Vegeta this isn't a joke!" Goku threw his keys on the kitchen counter. He then glared over at Chichi "I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" Chichi nodded before smirking over at Vegeta as she opened the front door and left.

"Did you just see the way she looked at me?! Bitch!" Vegeta placed the empty glass in the sink. He looked back at Goku's stern look. "Don't look at me like that."

"Why did you let her stay?" Goku raised his brow.

"She was a mess, I couldn't let her leave like that. She tried to force more on me, I just found a way to satisfy her and shut her up." Vegeta shrugged "I don't see why you should get pissy about it? You didn't like her anyway."

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