Helping Me Live: Evan

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I've been stuck in a wheelchair for weeks, since it's before my surgery and I can't be doing strenuous things. I'm getting my new pacemaker soon.

"This is not fun," I say, wheeling myself back and forth.

"You're not even supposed to be doing that," he points out.

"Exactly," I say.

"You are going to hurt yourself," he says.

"Ev," I say. "Just ... please. I'm so bored. Can we play something or just chat?"

"Of course," he says. He stops doing whatever was on the computer and sits down across from me. "You're okay."

"Yeah, because you're here."

He smiles and picks me up out of my chair and spins around in a circle. I laugh with him, and he gently kisses my pacemaker area.

"I love you with all my heart and all my pacemaker, so I beat you," I say.

"But I love you with both my personalities."

"See that's just not funny anymore," I say.

"Why? It could be. You know that Habit loves you too. Which means I gotta fight for my girl," he says, setting me in our bed and then pretending to punch the air. "But I'm willing to fight."

"That's good to know," I say, and he smiles.

"This is perfect, you know. Just us being right here, talking, is wonderful and I love it."

He smiles at me. "I love this too."

"And we'll have lots of time to talk about random things after the surgery," I say, trying to stay positive.

"Yes we will. You're strong and healthy, nothing you can't handle. I have faith in you," he says.

"That's good."

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