The Blue Room: Vinny

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Habit drags me into a bedroom with blue walls and a mess all over the floor. I am forced onto the bed, and then he leaves.

After a while passes, Vinny is dragged in here, unconscious. I run to him, ready to punch the Dogs that are dragging him in. One pushes me back, and restrains me while they throw Vinny on the floor.

They leave, and I run over and wake him up. He has a camera in his hands, and I realize there's a big clock with giant red numbers. It's counting down ... but to what?


"Yeah. I'm here, Vinny," I say softly.

"Where are we?" he asks.

"I don't know. Habit just put us in here."

"Of course he did."


As the timer continues to count down, getting closer to zero, Vinny hugs me.

"What was that for?" I ask him.

"For being with me in this blue room."

"What if we die?"

"I'm ready. My only regret will be not saving you from sharing my fate," he says.

"You're sweet," I whisper, my voice breaking.

He cups my face in his hands and kisses me. I miss him back, moving my lips against his and deepening the kiss. He sighs and holds me by the waist, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

Finally, we separate, and I feel like a hole has opened up inside me, making it so I am hollow without him.

"Tick tock," he says.

The timer reaches zero.

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