Ice Cream: Vinny

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It's one of the rare times that it is very hot out in New Jersey. People are swarming swimming pools and any type of water they can find, and going to Dairy Queens everywhere.

Vinny said it's like 104, which is crazy to me. It never gets this humid, either.

"Do you want some ice cream?" Vinny asks.

"Does a bear poop in the woods?"

He laughs and ruffles my hair like I am his child or something, before heading over to the little ice cream shoppe.

Kids run around and play, people eat cheesy hot dogs and French fries, the sun shines bright, and it isn't too noisy here. It's just perfect.

I look up as Vinny returns with a smushy bowl of ice cream for me. It's my favorite flavor.

"How'd you know?" I ask him. "How'd you know my favorite flavor?"

"Because I'm psychic," he replies.

I snort and he grins.

"What? Don't believe me? I bet I could make you believe me."

"How's that?"

He leans over and whispers something in my ear, and then kisses my neck. I grin at him.

"Okay, I believe you, Mr. Psychic Man," I say.

"I predict you will stop calling me that, or else you will be thrown into the world of tickles."

I snort again. "Did you have Cheesy O's for breakfast?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Either way, you're going to have a very good night."

I blush. "With you, I know I will."

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