Exorcism: Habit

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"No! Stop it!" I scream.

The priest ignores me. He continues to read from the Bible and raises a large wooden cross. I feel Habit shift inside me. This is the final exorcism.  The priest said that I am not going to be able to be saved if this one does not work.

Habit possessed me about a year ago, and it was mainly through love, but also because of something else I don't even think about. I'm alone, with my fanatic uncle who thinks Satan is in me, and he "just wants to free me" from "the curse I've been put under"  -  I don't think he cares. He wouldn't subject me to this torture every day for a week and a half, if he actually loved me.

I can't hold on much longer, y/ n.

"Ah! Leave him the fuck alone. Let us go," I say, breathing heavily and trying to get out of my chain restraints. "Please, please let me go."

"Cast out this demon!" he bellows over my own pleading voice.

"Habit ... please ... hold on ... " I gasp.

Pain wrecks my body again, and I crumble in a ball in the fetal position. He wraps himself around my mind and holds tight, but the priest is so strong, despite exorcising me for a week and a half straight.

"Show yourself!"

So, Habit does. He seizes control of my mouth and spits at the priest. The priest doesn't even react, he just keeps yelling scripture. Habit laughs loudly. 

"You can't keep me away for long! She's mine, for better or worse," he says.

"State your name!" my uncle cries.

"Go blow a goat!" Habit cackles.

"Leave this Child of God, I command thee!" The cross is pressed against my forehead and both of us scream.

"Begone, demon!"

Habit screams and throws my uncle across the room.

I'm sorry, y/n.  I have to get us out of here, I have to protect us both. I love you. Always remember that.

I love you too, Habit.

And then, quite literally, all hell breaks loose.

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