I Choose You: Vinny

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I often wonder what my life would be like without Vinny. Then I realize that it'd probably suck immensely. As most things would without any people there to support you. Granted, I do wish the circumstances we are in were different, as I don't like the whole situation of running for my life, but if it means I get to be with him ... I guess I'd take it then.

"You're staring," he says.


"You heard me," he says, gently touching my hands. "You are staring at me."

"I am? Oh, I'm so sorry," I say.

"It's fine. You're not breaking any laws here. Where's your head at?"

"Thinking my life would be hell without you."

He smiles. "Same here, y/n."

"I just want you to know that I choose you, and always will," I say.

"I choose you too."

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