InHABITed Reader: Evan/Habit

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"I love you more than words can say," I whisper to Evan. He's inches away from me, and he chuckles a little, the sound filled with nothing but love.

"I had a feeling," he replies.

"And here I thought I was being subtle."

"You? Subtle? Ha!"

"Screw you."

"Hey, that's your job."


"What?" He's all-out laughing now. I cuff him in the arm and lay back, watching him as he scoots closer. "You didn't think I'd retort with something like that?"

"No, I knew you would. But still."

You think you love him. You know nothing, little girl. Nothing at all.

I sigh.

Evan casts a worried look my way. "Is it Habit again?"

"Yeah. He's being a douche. As per usual."

"Tell him to leave you alone, this is our time."

There is no more time for you two. I'm sick of this bullshit.

"Habit, get over it."

Suddenly, I lose control over my hands and legs. Then my entire body. I sit up, watching as Evan gives me a confused look, and then I crawl out of bed and grab a knife from inside one of my dresser drawers. I have it there to help me sleep better at night.

"You think you know everything? You think you can make love and ignore the inevitable? You think that maybe, just maybe, you're out of your league? Maybe you should think of that next time, y/n."

"Uh, y/n? You okay?" Evan asks, gently rubbing my arms.

I can feel it, but it's like there is a buffer between us. My head turns to look at him. His beautiful green eyes look worried now.

"Habit," I whisper. "No."

Give me one good reason I shouldn't do it.

Because I will get a fucking exorcism of you do this. I will make your life so awful that hell would be jealous. I'm not going to let you hurt him or kill him. Please, don't.

You know an exorcism won't work on me. And you, make my life a living hell? That's laughable. You don't let me do anything at all, you're a bigger fool than I thought you were previously if that's really how you think of me.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?"

"Yes," I say.

Suddenly, I have control again. I sob and drop the weapon like it's a hot poker or something. I sink into Evan's arms and cry.  I can't handle this. I can't bear the idea of hurting him.

Get used to it. Because sooner or later, we will hurt people. And you will be there to see it. Because I get stronger every day.

I say nothing in return to Habit. I just cry and look up at Evan. "I'm sorry. He's just so strong ..."

"I know. But you're stronger," he says. He cups my face in his hands and kisses my forehead. "You can beat him. I know you can. I love you, y/n.  You're the strongest person I know. You got this."

I smile a little and clear my throat. "You think?"

"I know."

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