Burned: Jeff

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I scream as Vinny talks me down from attacking Habit.

"Remember that he's Evan under all that."

"I don't care! He's got Jeff, and I gotta find them now!"

"Fine. Just don't kill him."

He takes me upstairs to a door. I don't want to see what's beyond. But I do open the door, and freeze when I see that it leads to a clearing in the woods. I turn back to look at Vinny, inside the house, and then back to the woods. I step through the doorway.

Habit is talking to a creature-thing that looks humanoid in shape, and Jeff is laying unconscious on the ground. I run to him without thinking.

"Jeff! Oh, God, please don't be dead!" I say.

"What the fuck are you doing, y/ n?" Habit demands.

"If you kill him, I'll kill you."

He shrugs. "Okay."

"Stop!" Vinny says as he enters the woods. "Leave y/n alone."

"Ah, I see the gang's all here. Well, pull up your seats. Things are gonna get hot."

Habit throws me to the side and splashes Jeff with gasoline. I scream, and it's like the sound was ripped from my very soul. He lights a match.

"Any last words?"

"Jeff! No!" I scream.

Jeff finally looks at me. "I love you, y/n, but go. Don't watch this. Remember that I'll always be with you."

"No, Habit, please!" I cry. "Jeff, I love you, Jeff!"

Habit drops the match, and Vinny holds me back.

Jeff screams and I thrash against Vinny's strong arms.

"Habit, you motherfucking monster! Jeff, you're gonna be a father!" I scream.

Jeff doesn't hear me. He can't. The flames eat away at my love, and I feel as if I myself am being torn apart. Habit laughs. He fucking laughs.

"Sorry for your loss, you two."

Then he's gone.

A/N: Okay so maybe I am evil. Because wow. As I wrote that I was thinking that it was fucked up but ... damn. I made this so sad. And Jeff's death already saddens me.

Anyways ... please vote if you liked this and comment or message me. I love you all. Bye!

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