Chronic Pain: Evan/Habit

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I suffer from a disease called many things out, but it's mainly like childhood fibromyalgia. It's also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Yeah, sounds like fun, doesn't it?

What this means is I am in pain 24/7, and it never ever ceases. It's nerve pain and can't really be fixed. So I take medications for it.

Evan has been taking great care of me. He's an angel, and I don't know where I'd be without him. Evan has helped me get through the hardest times of my life. I have him to thank for me still being here. I love him.

"Y/n?" I look up from the computer. "You doing okay? You're looking a little flushed."

"Yeah, I'm just in pain," I say.

He comes over. "Can I hug you, or would that hurt?"

"It always hurts, but to me, it's worth it."

"But I don't want you hurt."

"Ev, it's fine."

He gently hugs me. I'm hugging him back when I feel his body go rigid and stiff. He doesn't move for a minute, then tightens his grip.

Yelping in pain, I twist out of his arms.

Habit laughs. "You're so breakable, little Rabbit."

"Give him back."

"Yeah, I don't think so," he says.

"What do you want?"

"I want him to watch as you suffer."

He grabs me and then we are in a dark, dank place. He laughs as I stagger back away from him. Then he walks over to me, and slashes me across the face with a dagger.

I cry out, feeling like I'm on fire again. He walks closer to me and I scream at him like an animal hissing or roaring. I don't know why, it just seemed like a good idea. Habit grabs my hair in his fist and shoves me to the floor.

"This is fun," he says.

"Leave ... me ... alone," I plead.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, y/n.  You know better than to beg me for anything. Especially mercy."

"Fuck you," I snap.

"Now, is that any way to talk to me?"

"Please go fuck yourself."

He cackles. "Much better. Still bitchy though."

Habit retrieves a length of rope and wraps it around me, tying me to the one support pole in the room.

"Go ahead and scream, no one can hear you. Well, Ev and I can, but he can't help you. Not even God could."

He leaves me alone in there for a long time. He only ever comes in to beat me or something. But I will escape. I've been through worse than being a demon's punching bag. It's only a matter of time before I am free ....

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