Dancing with the Ghost of You: Vinny

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~ Vinny's POV ~

I beam at y/n, her smile beautiful and radiant as the sun. She is the most pure thing in my life, someone I will cherish always.

I would do anything for her.

"You haven't sat at the table, yet," I say.

"No, I was waiting for you," she says.

I blush, I can't help it, and I sit down, placing a plate of food in front of the seat to my right. It's pulled out and so she slides gracefully into it.

"You look so beautiful," I say.

Now it's her turn to blush. We start eating and chatting, and I'm in the middle of telling y/n a joke when Jeff wanders into the dinning room.

He stops when he sees us.

"Uh, Vinny?"


"Why are there two place settings of food?"

"It's for y/ n."

Jeff's eyes widen, and he slips into another room. Y/n gently touches her cold hand to mine. She is confused and concerned. I don't blame her.

Evan and Jeff come in.

"Vinny, Habit did something last night," Evan says quietly.

"What'd he do this time?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah, what did he do?" I ask.

"He killed y/n. She's dead, Vinny."

"No, she's right  -  "

My words die on my lips as I see that she's gone, and there's no trace of her. I stare at them.

"How long have you known?" I whisper.

"Habit lead us to her body. He crucified her in the woods and left her to the Dogs," says Evan. "Her heart was ripped out."

And then, so is mine.

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