Kidnapped by Slendy: Jeff

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"Damn it!" I shout, hitting the table hard.

"Y/ n, calm down," Vinny says gently. "We'll get them back."

"How do you know that for sure?" I ask.

"Because he's not gonna touch Jeff and Alex  -  they belong to Habit, in his mind," he explains.

"Unfortunately we don't have the luxury of just waiting," I say. "I'm not leaving it to chance."

I turn around and march to the door. They call after me, and I only stop once my hand is on the doorknob. I look at Evan and Vinny, both looking scared.

"I don't know where they took them, but I'm finding them. If you don't come, you don't come. I don't care. I'm finding them, though."


I drive until my heart asks to stop, and I hurry out of the car and head into an abandoned gas station. I run inside.

"Jeff?! Alex?" I call.

"Y/n?" Alex asks.

I hurry around the corner and stop. Alex's insides are now outsides, and he is soaked in blood. How he's alive is completely beyond me. I walk over to him slowly, trembling at the sight of my friend in such a state.

"Alex ..."

"Go ... go find Jeff. Make sure he's okay. Don't worry about me, I'll be watching over you guys from now on."

"I'm so sorry," I whisper.

"It's not your fault, y/n.  Go. Find Jeff, don't stop till you do."

He dies in my arms.

Crying and soaked in my friend's blood, I run after Alex's blood trail he left from wherever he crawled from. Eventually, I find Jeff. He's tied to the wall, arms above his head, and he looks sorta crucified.

"No," I breathe.

I run over and begin to unite the ropes holding him in place. As I do this, Jeff wakes up.


"No, it's me. He's ... Alex didn't make it."

I help him down, only for Jeff to sag into my arms and sob. And soon, I join him.

"We have to get out of here," I whisper through my tears.

"I know," he whimpers. "I just wish he was coming too."

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