Depressed Days: Jeff

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requested by Yanderepoptart361

I sit and stare out the window. I wish I could make myself feel better, but today, even the sky cries. My heart beats frantically in my chest as tears track down my face. I just feel so empty, like nothing is going my way. And no one even cares.

I bow my head, my eyes blurry and everything feels heavy in me. Like I've just gotten out of a pool, and I'm soaked in depression and weigh a thousand pounds. I hate this feeling.

There's a knock on my door. I debate not answering. What if I just crawl back into bed and sleep away the sadness? What if I just curl up in a ball and wait for this nightmare to end?

"Nobody's home!" I shout.

"Y/n, I know that you're in there," Jeff calls through the door.

Oh no, it's Jeff. I don't want him to see me like this. Hell, I don't want to see me like this. My fists clench at my sides. I don't want to drive him away too. Push him again and again until he finally just gives up on me. It's happened before, so it can happen again.

People just lose interest in me.

"Y/n? Please be okay in there."

I get up and slowly work my way to the door. I open it and see him standing there, looking down at me, worried. He then wraps me in a big bear hug and I smile a little.

The feeling of a smile is foreign to me.

"You're gonna be okay," he whispers.

At that, I burst into tears again. He doesn't let go. He just holds onto me, and gently brushes my hair. I am shaking by the time I get slightly calmer, and Jeff just gives me a saddened look. He comes into my house and we sit on the couch.

"You've gotta fight this," he says.

"But I'm so tired of fighting."

"That's how you know you're doing something right. You get tired. Y/n .... I know this is hard for you, but if you promise me that you won't give up, I promise I won't either."

"You know I won't," I say. "I don't ... I'm not gonna give up."

"Neither will I," he says quietly.

I look at him. He seems lost in thought. I reach out a shaking hand and touch his cheek. He leans into my touch, and I feel tears threatening to spill over.

"It'll be okay," he whispers, clutching my hand in his. "I promise, it will get better."

"Thanks," I say, not knowing what else I could.

"Of course. I'm always here for you, even on your bad days," he replies.

"Same with you," I say. He looks at me. "I want to help you out whenever you need it."

He smiles. "Come on, let's go to the park. I'm gonna show you something."

"What? Jeff, it's raining."

"I know. Come on."

Once we arrive at the park, he jumps out of the car and starts to ... dance. I'm confused, and not sure if I should laugh. But I definitely smile.

"Come on!" he shouts. "It's fun!"

Nervous, I join him in the rain. He takes my hands in his and continues to dance. It's then that it clicks. Earlier, I was thinking about curling up in a ball and waiting for the storm to pass. Now, I'm learning to dance in the rain ... literally.

"I see what you did there," I tell him.

"Did where?" he asks, playing dumb.

"Learning to dance in the rain."

He smiles widely. "Yep. Now come on, we've got some more fun to have."

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