What If It Was Vinny?: Vinny

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Habit has split us up. Locked me in the infamous blue room. I pounded on the walls and doors until my fists cut open and bruised. I screamed myself hoarse. No use. He's the only one who's going to let me out, and that will happen when he's ready.

I don't know where Jeff is. He's gone missing or something, but I think he's safe. For now.

Suddenly, the door opens. Excitedly, I run out and out of the house. I hear weird noises from the woods, and so I run in that direction.

But I stop once I see Vinny.

He's sitting on the ground, unconscious. And Habit is talking to the camera. Which is being held by some creature I can't begin to describe. I stare at them, since they don't know I'm here yet.

"Well, you just gonna stand there like a Stick In The Mud, or are you gonna say your goodbyes?" Habit says, turning to face me.

I stare intently at him.  Then I slowly walk forward.

"What are you talking about? Evan, can you hear me? Fight this!"

"He can't hear you," Habit says nonchalantly. "But your boyfriend can." He points a long knife at Vinny, who's now waking up.

I run over, but Habit grabs me. I yank out of his grip, only for him to grab me again. He looks right into my eyes. And I feel my heart stop.

"Don't. Touch. Him. Not unless you want to die."

"Y/n! Run!" Vinny cries.

"Vinny? What's happening?"

"We're gonna have ourselves a little Vinny-kebab," Habit says. Then he grins. "He's covered in gasoline."

Rage makes me feel like I'm the embodiment of the color red. If that makes sense. I slap him across the face as hard as I can. He flinches, but that's it. Then he grabs me by the throat and slams me against a tree.

I gasp for breath and struggle against him, but it's no use. He just tightens his grip. I hear Vinny crying out my name, yelling for Evan, but this is not Evan.

"Say goodbye, before it's too late." His voice is a growl.

He releases me and I collapse, crying and gagging as air burns my throbbing lungs. I look at Vinny.

"Vin, I love you," I say.

"I love you too," he says. "More than life itself."

And then Habit throws a match down on the grass. I watch as Vinny burns alive. Habit then walks over to me as I sob and scream, grabbing my chin and making me look away from the burning form of my boyfriend. Instead, I look into cold, green eyes. Unfamiliar eyes.

"He bartered with me. To save you, he'd die. He sacrificed himself for you," he says.

"No ..." I gasp.

He nods. "And the Stick lost the bet. So yeah, now he's dead, and you're fucked."

I crumble to the ground, curl up in a ball, and cry. Because right now, crying is all I can manage to do now.

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