Impressed?: Jeff

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A date. With Jeff.

Oh, God, I am going to explode I am so nervous. I've never been on a date with someone like him before. I have always been wanting to go out with him, but now ... now that I am, I don't know what to do.

So I go to my wardrobe and look around, sifting through my clothes. Finally, I find a silky purple dress. I smile. I may as well.

I style my hair the way he likes it, and then head outside to wait for him.

"Y/n?" Evan asks, looking at me curiously.


"You look awesome. He's gonna flip," he says.

"Who is?" asks Vinny.

"Jeff, duh!" Evan responds.

"Wait, here he comes!"

Jeff rounds the corner and stops dead in his tracks.

"Y/n?  Is that really you?" he asks.

"Of course it's me, silly," I say. "Are you ... impressed?"

"Yeah," says Evan. "He's also horny as fuck."

Vinny slaps him. Evan slaps Vinny.

Jeff holds his hand out and without hesitation, I take it. And the two of us leave and go to dinner together, leaving behind the two bickering boys.

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