Sharks, Moss, LADY sharks, God, Death, Inevitability and Dust

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God is a shark
But also a warm gentle woman

And as tenderly and carefully as a parent might

She crafted me from moss of the land.
So that I may be fit to live with the folk of my kind.

To not lurk unfittingly in the seas anemones.
She made me so

So that one day
I may return to that green from whence I came and become the kind of dust I am destined to be.

I just hope
I really hope

That it will be someday soon

Before the moss starts to grey
As the end of everything
The environment
people &

Finish up part of their natural life span
Only to be ended by most toxic unnatural man made means

I pray to be back
Back to nothing
Back before semblance

And I pray to never once develop it again.
Or to live any natural born life.
Instead to be a seemingly nothing: A nothing born of no one and with no judgement upon me or obligation in the free world.

I pray but no shark of this world could deliver such a thing, no man, nor woman nor anything can.

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