Sir Miss Mx The Lady Maam Man Person Trashbag Jones

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Call me trashbag Jones

Ah jones is that your first name or last?

Trashbag is the former my dears

Never call me me jones

That was my father

And the is to be no memory of him still living

Pay attention to me

Listen to my chant

My mantra I say to myself

Over and over

Night after night

Stare into my soul

And watch it change in its whisper

With just three words

I am human

I am human I am human I am human

But please

Call me Ma'am
Because society told me it was the politest way to address a lady

And society told me I was a lady too

But don't worry they weren't presumptuous or anything of the sort

They simply peeked between my legs when I was born

And decided it there

Not even looking me in my tiny closed eyes

Screaming face

Bright red head

Maybe they gazed at me and saw me as pink

They told me to stay that way

Call me madam in that case too

Tickle me pink if my pronouns go astray

But also

Call me Sir
I am superior

Older, wiser and with books covered in blue

I am an intellectual egnimatic strong young man

I ooze priviledge and sit legs spread

As if I'm reminding everyone what the doctor put on my birth certificate and that the proof lies underneath my hyper masculine dirtied up teenage boy style jeans

Except I wasn't made as what I advertise to strangers trying to sit next to me on the train

And I chafe my thighs in ill fitting pants trying so hard to flex my persona and make my muscles ache trying to prove an empty argument

Call me Mr and run to my every need inferiors

Don't forget to

Call me Trashbag Jones on top of all that

Bcecause when my girlfriend so caringly asked me

What do you want to be referred to

And even gave examples

Ones that said miss

All I could think

I don't know

I don't care

Call what you will but say it with some fucking respect

Call me what you will but with recognition of me as a person

Call me what you will when you judge my at face value

Call me what you will when you look at me how I want you to

Seeing me as who I am
And what I'm like

Without a gendered labelling

Sorry I never became a little pink or blue

I simply acted as one for years on end

Before I saw I had some fucking opportunity

Choices to make

Still now

Even if I tick the most boxes

It doesn't seem to make me true

And transitioning into a new tangled package

Of they then and their

Seems like so much trouble to put everyone through

And rejection to muster up courage throughout

I guess for now I'll stop and give up

Before I reconsider again

Call me Trashbag Jones

Call me Miss
Call me Mx

Call me Sir you must


Call me something endearingly

The more likely I am to run

Call me with love
Call me with support
Call me with respect
Call me when you want to talk
Call me maybe

Call me by my name

Call me what seems to fit best

And I'll call you when I find it what that it

Fuck this is hard because I feel like I'm destroying the old identity I made and lived

I could call myself queer and non binary

Instead of a strong lesbian woman

And for the most part

A non binary stance seems more right

Just crazy new in action

Call me fucked up but I'm slightly struggling

Call me in a minute just give me time

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