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Siblings make you doubt your abilities

And fold their laundry

Siblings force you to babysit and stay home whenever they work

Siblings put your weekends and all your plans on lockdown so they can work an extra shift

Siblings make you put your 5 year plan on hold and force you out of a job for theirs

Siblings make you rejoice when they move out
And then unreasonably angry when they move back in

Siblings make you petty over spilt milk and tv remotes

Siblings make your mum compare you so they seem better

Siblings leave you bad repuatations with people you'll never meet

Siblings borrow 5 bucks and never return it

Siblings make you deal with their shitty friends

Siblings wake you up at 6 am to do the dishes
And keep you up till 1 to let them in the house

Siblings make you give them your only housekey when you lose theirs

Siblings make you deal with volatile tantrums of epic proportions

Siblings make your C grade seem like an F when their highest achievement is a D

Siblings make you doubt your future

Siblings trap you in conversations about your future in a moving car

But thats just the bad shit they do

And maybe if I focus less on how they treat me and more on how I treat them

Alot of shit would make so much fucking sense

Because maybe you're not ready to be where they are

Maybe their mistakes are there to learn from

Rather than being an example themselves

Maybe they accept you for who you are

Whilst still being self absorbed assholes

Maybe I need to pick my battles and choose what I believe in

And maybe their bullshit can help

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