This sounds like a ted talk so thanks for coming i guess

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So I started a hard year of high school
With a school girl mistake

I fell in love with my best friend

Who would never feasibly love me back


I made the childhood error


Most people make well into their adult years anyway

But I did it early

I gave my heart to someone

Who had a new boyfriend every few months

And I would stay single

I would stay on my own

And it was hard watching others

My other friend

Was the first out of my other friends

To get a man

And we found it crazy

It was the most improbable thing to us

And I found it the most crazy

She managed to date a guy

And that guy

That guy of all people

Managed to get a girlfriend before me

It was harder though

When my best friend

Who I loved


Got into the longest relationship she has ever had

And I was so proud of her

And so happy for her

But I was also




It wasn't something I could control

It was hard in that year

Because I was still gaining confidence

And trying to be who I am

And I got accidentally outed

And a whole lot of other things

But in all that

In the midst of everything

I made an amazing choice

And huge step forward

With a few seemingly insignificant decisions

When I realised

I loved an impossible to love woman

And I felt it at its strongest

I wrote it done

And I put it out there

Into the world

And along with that

I put myself out there

My weaknesses






And ranting

I put a huge piece of myself into the world

In a hard time in my life

And while it wasn't the worst thing I've ever experienced

It was new and scary and hard

But I managed to make one step forward

And it set


Stemmed even

Into something amazing

For me and others

It grew into this

And so to


My other friends

My readers

And I guess a little myself

I am so grateful 

Because this is what carries me through dumb mistakes

And hard problems

As well as any

And most thoughts

I might have in this lifetime

Thank you Wattpad

You've done so much

I think its now time

That you take a bow

You have done something truly amazing here

Or at least

I tend to think so

But I hope a couple of others

Can seem to agree with me here

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