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i miss time with you at school, days id wake up early to get you and days we would meet at the bus

and id make breakfast

bagels going slightly cold in brown paper bags

or sleep on your shoulder

i miss you

i miss when we always had the time and just enough money for time together

and we were happy in those times

those moments

even when objectively

it was shit times for you or me

i just regret that i didn't always appreciate being a kid with you

and all this time we have

sometimes i felt like in school i would never truly see you

i just had time with you when we had to be the people we are around everyone

and not just with each other
true skin shown

with ever imperfection and vulnerability laid bare to one another

and now

now its us finding time between work and family and university and


growing up

you're becoming this amazing man and i miss it and i regret how i wasted time with you

every second spent crying on your shoulder over something that never truly mattered or being so

selfish, self absorbed and apathetic

when i could've been appreciating you

i wish i could wake up next to you, stroke your face and watch you grow, change and just simply be everyday


im always with you

we are tethered, stuck, forever connected

you're my best friend, my last longing feeling and first thought everyday

and i want to build an everyday

a life around yours again

outside of school

just us and our dreams

to live our the best of each other together

as best friends and lovers

and to watch you become even more of the amazing man you already are

i see you

truly on the inside

for who and what you are

and i know now you're beginning to take the right form

and by god aren't you simply the most gorgeous thing i ever saw and most amazing person i've ever met

i love you

i miss you

ill never let go and i wont stop thinking of you

til i can feel you close again - M

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