Rebel & Lesbian Content

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I don't know what it's called

When you incessantly follow rules

Even when no one forces you to

I think it's a big word
Accompanied by even larger, broader  terms

Big enough to warrant its own line

But that clearly doesnt take much

And it's still too hard for the most comprehensive of Google searches to find

Whatever it is

I think it applies to me

Even if

I'm alone

Or theres no teachers
Or parents around

I'm still quite a

'Goody too shoes suck up' type

Sometimes at least

In my own way

It suffocatingly reminds me of the crippling anxiety disorder that I suffered through as a child

And still, now even

It's like I lack rebel content

Or at least that's how I feel

I want to take more chances

Like the girl making her new years resolutions in june

She's a mess & probably won't achieve her half baked goals

Or signing up for a team sport I don't know how to play

Or pronounce

Or eating from the untranslated section of a chinese restaurant menu

Y'know the page with all the duck liver blood soup type shit


I probably won't do that second one

I'm like an old man with a bad knee

In every sport, team or not

Or just in general

But I do want to up the 'rebel content'

I feel like I'm still PG but with a M15+ mindset

And like the great Hamnah Gadsby

Perhaps I should up the lesbian content too

So I don't have to suffer shocked faces

And awkward truth or dare questions with scared heterosexuals

Even if I have to deal with repulsed girls

Who love the concept of a gay best friend

But somehow see me as a personal threat

Like I want them

Bitches please

Hell no

To most

To some, I get it

You noiceeee

And anyway

Even though upping the 'lesbianess'

Won't stop all the annoying shit

Like being outed by random people to other equally or more random people

Being a rebel might help me not care

Or deal with it in a cooler way

I know it may seem like i misspelled  'nice'. But i meant noice. It sounds better

Thanks for reading 😎❤❤

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