She Never Will Leave//Her Unwavering Loyalty

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When she goes
Whenever she goes

She will always find her way back

With what she has left
With what time hasn't taken from her

And I know

It comes in waves

First the eyes go

And then then the ears

Or maybe the other way around

But pretty soon after that

The wits start to say their goodbyes

Fur wilts

Paws tap on the floor less and less

Dog stays in bed on sunny days

Not just for cheeky naps

But more because

She can't get up and do what she used to

Even with her still youthful glow

Albeit a senile brain paves life with a tricky path


No matter how many shared birthdays she's had
No matter how many years

Human or dog

She lives to see or
Will live to see

No matter how many treats she eats
Pats she gets
Love she receives

Attention she feels

No matter what

This is her home
We are her home

And she will always find her way back
No matter her state of being

No matter what
She is never not with us
Her warmth can never fade

She will never leave us

In a different special kind of way

She is us
We are her

She is immortal within the mind

She is the family that is never gone

And even when she is

Physically at her end

Our floors will still never be free of her fur

And in the form of another dog
Or wind on the right day

She will come back to us

Never ever

Truly leaving

Even though I believe in no god or superstitious things

I know I can live this as my truth

She will never


Leave us

Leave me

Her loyalty is unwavering

In every which way sense of her being

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