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Maybe it best that my story remain hidden and unread

Like the millions of versions of me

In the head

Of everyone
That I've ever seen or met

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself

Making it sound like people remember my prescence in every room

That even the most random strangers do

But thats not what I'm saying

Maybe some poems are meant to remain unread

So maybe leave yor thoughts about me remain unread

Because I have alot of my back story

With pages smudged or blackened

Some stuck there


Like a wrinkle in my time

Stuck to the centerfold

But crossed out

Some parts make me cry at a vague suggestion

Some make the smallest parts of my mind scream and I dont realise till I do

And it's so loud

Maybe because it's almost always a midnight wake up call

Shrill and brings back memories of a place that I can't even describe as hell

Because one word doesnt do it justice

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