War Zone

18 4 0

Should we have waited longer?

To go and pull through with this

The whole way?


No way



Because we are the fighters in the standstill

And only soldiers in this war

The one against everyone else

When they rain down their bullets in a haze of guns

With us shooting back

But guns still unloaded

And fists pointed

And hopefully never at each other

But who knows

All we know is that we are here now

And its scary I know

Its like the first real landing

Off a plane or helicopter

We didn't always know that we've been on

But it is the glory that everyone of our kind dreams of

Especially in this situation

So we persist on

And resist bullshit


Forever long

And that should be an honest enough

For us to get by

And by god I hope you love that we are here too

Otherwise I'm scared that I will waste energy trying to make you happy

But I would never say that you're a waste of my heart

Because you never could be

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