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It's like

All women are expected to have huge breasts

And that every single pair should be exceptional in some way

Even though skinny starved supermodels

French or american ones

The idolized ones

Still have no tits to speak of

Even though swollen pregnancy bazonkas are "unattractive" & gross

And breast feeding is apparently shameful

Even though realistically no person without

Insane luck and genetics

Or breast implants

Has those mad huge jugs

That men with cum stained sweatpants
And dorito stained fingertips

Preach as their gospel

Which I hate

So why do people have such huge ex-breastations for us

I know

It's corny

But it's true

Why do girls pressure and compare  with each other

Boobs aren't a competitive sport in the real world

Why should we feel ashamed

Or have to use 3d makeup to help them 'pop'

Why have padding for equal & larger size bust

Why not

Just have them

And do what you will

With your own body

Preach the lesbian gospel of sports bras

And titty diversity

And completely disregard

40 year old male teachers

Who are shocked and disgusted at the bra straps

Of a teenage girl

Fuck people who oggle at stretch marked titties

Like they're scorched masked leper backs

Why can't people just

Have small breasts

Or mid sized ones

Or lopsided ones

Or big ones

And live that truth

Like real american actresses do

Or  healthy celebrities

Don't enhance lies

Or downplay them

When they hurt you

Why not pad your breastices for comfort

Not shitty people

Why not flaunt it

Disregard the gross pigs

Why not breastfeed where you want

Fuck people who find nipples so offensive

Why not layer your chest and see how differently people treat you

Hint, it probably wont be as nice as it is with big breasts

But whatever

Why not ditch bras

And peoples useless opinions

Not only because

Fuck the patriarchy

But because they are dumb as shit

Let the mammaries jiggle

And nipples poke through

Like a dudes cold nipples through a ridiculously thin shirt

On a winter morning, of course

Just in general




The patriarchy

My dad who is obsessed with my cup size

And this bullshit people with boobs gotta deal with

Just ex-breast yourself.


Well maybe not that

Express yourself

In a non terrible pun way

In a rebel way

With whatever kinda chest you have

Own it

And oh

Because i might not have said it enough



F U C K  T H E  B U L L S H I T

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