Love//writing and crying again

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I used to think I knew love
Like love was the back of my hand
Or a favourite meal

Like love was an all too familiar feeling
A casual sensation

I thought I'd fallen in love so many times I'd end up with so many girls I was destined with I'd lose count

But I was wrong

Very wrong

Very very far off

I know now
I've only been properly in love once
And I still am

And I know it's that one kind of love

The proper kind
The real kind
The one that doesn't leave kind

I know it's love love

Not love and forget love

This is love and be loved and love that you can love and receive love as you give love

This is my love
Our love
With you being mine and me yours

It's just that right kind of love

The kind that tells me when I dream

Of travel and living overseas and being a badass making my own way in the world
Living life as exactly as who I am now with no growing or changing or learning

Just as I am right own with no changes not even for the better

As slone as someone on a journey for one can be

Then in

All of these unattainable things

I then think

Of just how happy and content
And full of love and feeling that I can actually genuinely feel

So far from the numb I used to mostly be


When I'm just in the most basic of setting

Like my bedroom

But in your arms
You in mine

And we are just close
And happy

Quiet and still

Moving like and with the world

You can't always feel it physically but we move with the earth as it smiles at the moon

And we are happy

Both of us are happy for once

And in this new kind of life we now share

We are in love
And so so so so so so happy

Just with it all

It all and each other

For our own infinity
One by our design

Shit rant poemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora