I'm A Failure//Because

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I'll be a failure when I fuck up high school

I'll be a failure if they begrudging pass me

I'm a failure because i cant

I'm a failure because VCAA says so

I'm a failure because I can't make it into uni

I'm a failure because I'll fuck that up

I'm a failure because I can't make a photocopy

I'm a failure because I can't boil an egg

I'm a failure because I can't write an essay

I'm a failure because I can't write poems on paper

I'm a failure because I can't fucking speak

I'm a failure because I mumble

I'm failure because I stutter

I'm a failure because I can formulate a sentence and can't fucking say it

I'm a failure because I can't handle pressure

I'm a failure because my school report is schizophrenic to match my mood

I'm a failure because I can't pass the classes I pick

I'm a failure because I can't do what I have to

I'm a failure because I can write art when I don't need to and can't draw it when I have to

I'm a failure because I can't draw a straight fucking line

I'm a failure in the media's eyes because I can't fucking be straight

I'm a failure because I have potential to be a mum and no desire for kids

I'm a failure because I voice that

I'm a failure because I waste every chance I have

I'm a failure because there are so many people who could use that chance

I'm a failure because I could have kids and waste my opportunity

I'm a failure because some things are better sung or written but most of what I say aloud should not be said at all

I'm a failure because i can only read poems loud and scream my drafts

I'm a failure for feeling like I could do good

I'm a failure because I tried for success

I feel like a failure but I'm just conceited

So many others feel like that too

So many other women

And men

And everyone in between

People who feel like failures because they want kids they may not get to have

People who feel like failures because life, school and work are all hard and they feeling like they're just coasting from one fuck up to another

People who feel like failures because they think they look like shit and can't afford a new face or a different perspective

So I guess

I truly am a failure

As a person

Because I can barely see that in others

And I've made this all about me

But this is about people

Not all me

A failure

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