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Even though it's dumb
I truly believe
That if I turn my headphones up loud enough

The rest of the worlds sound
Even just for a moment

I know it's not true

But it doesnt make it any less comforting

Submersing myself in music
Tells my brain
Everything is okay
And I'm going to be alright

And its usually seldom with a happy face
Usually with one that appears too serious for others

My own personal version of resting bitch face

Although appearing troubled, sad or mad

I'm honestly truly fine.

Because its all in my head

My thoughts, not just demons

And besides,  I think my natural expressions are sexy

And more honest than a generic self introduction

Or profile bio

So if anything
I'm gonna keep it the way it is

With a headphone in each ear
And music blasting

With a serious expression on my face
Unreadable to strangers

And if anyone talks to me

They might be lucky enough

To make me take out an earbud
And place it on my collar

Almost thoughtfully
Even if it's subconcious

So you know
You have my full attention

And know that I will leave that small piece
Of musical wonderland
Just for you

With all that said and done
I want my face to be honest
And my mind to be clear with its own music

And if anything,  I hope it will attract girls

Just to clear my mind of her.

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