Jinx and then all the other hexes

8 3 0

If someone gives you that tad bit of feedback
And it matches your anxieties

I think you owe it to one another to yell


Whether both internally
Or not

Just toss it in there amongst the other social niceties

Sure it won't stick out

The biodegradable cup amongst plastic trash

Ooo a politically charged metaphor
Or analogy?

I don't know I haven't done VCE English
And I'll probably fail it

But point being

That is the conversation spike

Maybe the end

Maybe the start of a new diverge

Maybe it just makes it awkward

Its a bit of a topical hex

Magic fuck to the chat

A real ethereal bumming

Bit of a let down

Shame that hogwarts couldn't come in to help

What barstardised wizard arsehole and fuckery

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